    of licensed rental property must have a self-inspection procedure with written documentation of inspections completed as evidence of maintenance and safety inspections for all units occurring before a new moves in, when an existing moves out and at least once every 12 months at a minimum. In addition, of licensed rental multiple-family buildings must have in place a preventative maintenance program to include a self-inspection procedure with written documentation of inspections completed as evidence of maintenance, cleaning and safety inspections occurring at a minimum of once a week for common areas of the interior and exterior of the property.
(Ord. 2014-9, passed 5-5-2014; Ord. 2017-25, passed 7-25-2017)
   A violation of any provision of this Article VIII of this code is a misdemeanor. Civil penalties may also be issued pursuant to § 12.15 of the city charter and § 1.19 of this city code. However, nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the city's other available legal remedies for any violation of the law, including without limitation, criminal, civil and injunctive actions. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Article VIII is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Article VIII. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the ordinance in each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid.
(Ord. 2014-9, passed 5-5-2014; Ord. 2022-14, passed 4-25-2022)
§ 14.600 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of Article IX is to establish standards for the regulation of in the city to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.
(Ord. 2017-17, passed 6-5-2017)
   When used in this chapter, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
   COTTAGE FOOD VENDOR. A market vendor who sells prepared by the market vendor who has control over the means and methods of production, assumes principal financial and liability risk for the production enterprise and who is not regularly engaged in the business of manufacturing; and sells food pursuant to M.S. § 28A.152 or as recognized by Minnesota law, and registered by Minnesota Statute.
   FARMER. A who sells directly to the consumer products of the farm or garden cultivated or raised by the selling the product on land they own or occupy.
   FARMERS MARKET. An association of two or more market vendors who assemble at a defined location primarily for the purpose of selling directly to the consumer the products of a farm or garden occupied and cultivated or raised by the selling the product.
   FOOD SERVICE VENDOR. A market vendor who sells foods prepared for immediate consumption at the market and who is licensed according to Minnesota law or city ordinance.
   HANDICRAFTS. Non-food products that are substantially made or crafted by hand, where any materials used for crafting a product must be significantly altered or enhanced by the producer and handcrafted components must functionally and/or aesthetically dominate any non-handcrafted (commercial) components.
   HANDICRAFT VENDOR. A market vendor who produces , who has control over the means and methods of production and who assumes the principal financial and liability risk for the production enterprise.
   HOME PREPARED FOOD. Products made through the transformation of raw ingredients into a finished food product prepared in the home including, but not limited to, jams, jellies, pickles, baked goods and confections.
   PERSON. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a corporation, including a foreign, domestic or nonprofit corporation; a trust; a political subdivision of the state; or any other organization.
   PLANT VENDOR. A market vendor who resells live plants, cut flowers, or non-food plant products purchased from retail stores, wholesalers or agricultural producers, or sells such plants or plant products grown and harvested on land that is not owned or leased by the vendor.
   PRIVATE FARMERS MARKET. A that is not open to the general public.
   RETAIL FOOD VENDOR. A market vendor who sells food purchased from retail stores, wholesalers or agricultural producers, or sells foods for off-site consumption, excluding , provided that the vendor is licensed according to Minnesota law or city ordinance.
   SECONDHAND GOODS. As defined in § 14.422 of this code.
   VENDOR OF SERVICES. A market vendor who provides a service intended for immediate consumption including, but not limited to, chair massage and face painting.
(Ord. 2017-17, passed 6-5-2017)