   (A)   Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this code for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   A fine not exceeding $2,500 for the first violation; and
      (2)   A fine not exceeding $7,500 for second and subsequent violations.
   (B)   A separate violation shall be deemed committed upon each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
Statutory reference:
   Limitations on penalties, I.C. 36-1-3-8(a)(8)–(10).
   In order to allow for easy update and revision of fines for violation of provisions of the town code this fine schedule is set forth below. It is made part of the all provisions and ordinances of the town code as if specifically set forth in the relevant code provisions or ordinance.
Section No.
Section No.
Unlawful use of e-mail list for town residents
Unlawful use of unlicensed motor vehicles
Frost law limitations
Open alcohol containers
Parking regulation violations
($100 if not paid timely)
Obstruction of fire lanes
Damage to signs
Speed limits
Stop intersections
Open burning
Storage and registration of watercraft violation
$20 per day, not to exceed $7,500
Personal watercraft violation
$200 per event
Discharge of firearms
Discharge of bows/arrows
Tree removal violations
-For each tree in diameter, up to and including 8 inches
-For each tree in diameter over 8 inches, up to and including 12 inches
-For each tree in diameter over 12 inches
-Where tree diameter is not determinable due to prior removal, for remaining stump
-Where neither tree diameter nor stump diameter is determinable due to prior removal, regardless of the size of the removed tree
(Ord. 08-06, passed 9-15-2008; Am. Ord. 09-06, passed 6-15-2009; Am. Ord. 09-12, passed 11-16-2009; Am. Ord. 10-11, passed 11-30-2010; Am. Ord. 2012-10, passed 11-19-2012; Am. Ord. 2013-02, passed 4-5-2013)
   (A)   In order to allow for easy update and revision of fees for town services and processes, this fee schedule is set forth below. It is made part of the all provisions and ordinances of the Code of Beverly Shores as if specifically set forth in the relevant code provision or ordinance.
   (B)   Fee provisions in this schedule override any specific fee references in the town code that conflict with the fees set forth in this schedule, regardless of whether or not the section providing for the fee is specifically stated below.
Section No.
Section No.
Copying Town Information and Documents
Documents (8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, 8-1/2 inches by 14 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches)
$0.25 per side
Town address list
Town address list labels
$25.00 per set
Document certification
$1.00 per set
Accident and investigation report - per report
Handgun licensing
See I.C. 35-47-2-3
Excess false fire and carbon monoxide alarm calls
Vehicle identification verification
Excess false burglar alarm calls
Water Access Fees; Fund
-Access fees* for tax-paying property owners of Beverly Shores and adjacent communities
- Meter size:
1 inch or less
1-1/2 inch meter
2 inch meter
3 inch meter
4 inch meter
6 inch meter
- Access fees for meters of any size not listed above shall be calculated based on the equivalency factor set forth in the latest edition of the American Water Works Association M1 manual.
In all cases above, all other fees applicable to Michigan City Water Department, as stipulated in the agreement between the town and Michigan City Department of Water Works, are payable directly to Michigan City Department of Water Works, including but not limited to, grid extension.

*All fee may be amended from time to time by the Town Council.

**In addition to the access fees set forth in the schedule, upon connection to the system, out-of-town owners of tax-paying properties will pay an approximated "water system tax" calculated in the same manner as it is for in-town owners of tax-paying properties during the life of the SRF loan. The town will bill out-of-town owners of tax-paying properties for the amount due twice each year. Such bills will be mailed at the approximate same time as property tax bills are sent to owners of real property within the town. The first such bill will be mailed at approximately the same time as the first property tax bill would be mailed to the out-of-town property owner following their connection to the town's water grid system. The town will cease billing the out-of-town property owner when the SRF loan is retired and the "water system tax" is no longer applied to the property tax bills of town residents. Payment will be due within 30 days after the bill is mailed. If a semi-annual bill is not timely paid, the town will have all remedies allowed to it by law, including without limitation, having service discontinued to the property until such time as all outstanding amounts have been paid to the town. To the extent an owner of an out-of-town tax-paying property can demonstrate to the town, through written correspondence, that it requested to be connected to the water system prior to January 1, 2007, and but for the previously applicable $18,000 access fee, would have connected to the town's system, the town will permit such properly owner, if any exists, to connect to the system at the then applicable access fee for in-town property owners.
-Present access fees* for non-taxpaying property owners, whether located in or outside of town

*All fees may be amended from time to time by the Town Council.
Access fee for the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD). NICTD is considered an entity that does not contribute to loan amortization. It should be liable for $18,000 to access; however, $9,000 was waived due to lease agreement.
Annual Garbage Collection, Disposal and Recycle
Single-family residence
Commercial units in a Commercial Zone will be required to contract with a disposal company for garbage, disposal and recycle services.
$280 for first unit
Duplex dwellings and apartment units
$140 for each separate living unit in addition to the first unit, for which a rental fee is collected
Late charge for payments not received on or before payment due date.
$25 plus attorney fees and/collection agency fees associated with collection expenses
Owner of property or resident: cart
Parking Permits
Owner of property or resident: motor vehicle
Employees, Town Council members, Board Commission and Committee members, active volunteer firefighters and Town Attorney
1 pass no charge
Nonresident: annual motor vehicle
Nonresident: daily motor vehicle
Book of ten daily parking permits for guests
Rate for active charging
Parking fee for inactive charging
$0.15 per kW/hour
$5 per hour
Owner of property or resident: kayaks, sailboats, paddle boards, canoes, dingys, Maui mats and party floats stored in approved areas on town beaches
Owner of property or resident: catamarans stored in approved areas on town beaches
Burning permit, outdoor wood-fired furnace
$100 annually
Parade license
Licenses to engage in certain trade
Licenses for peddlers, hawkers, itinerant vendors
$50 per license
Permit to excavate, disturb, or install anything underground, including, but not limited to , a cable, pipe, tunnel, or other device, in, on, or under any town street, alley, right-of-way, easement or other town property.

The fee shall not be charged for work done for the town.

If the permit is not obtained before work, other than emergency work, begins as required by § 153.04, as amended, the cost of the permit shall be twice the amount of the fee. This additional fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any fine that may be imposed for violating the town code.
Parking lot annual fee
Tree removal permit applications.
The fee shall not be charged for work done by the town. The fee shall not be required for new construction permits. If the permit is not obtained before removal, except for emergency removal due to imminent threat to humans, as required by § 155.064, as amended, the cost of the permit shall be twice of the amount of the fee. This additional fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any fine that may be imposed for violating the town code.
1.   Application for site plan approval; applies to all new construction projects and all projects enlarging or modifying structures. Site plan approval is not required for interior remodeling projects.
$500 deposit
2.   Application for building permit; applies to new construction projects and/or projects that increase the actual square footage* of existing structures.
   First application (site plan or building) requires deposit, which includes non-refundable administration fee and refundable credit toward permit. If the fee for the final permit issued is less than the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be refunded to the applicant within 30 days of the issuance of the permit.
   a.   Building permit administration fee (non-refundable).
   b.   Actual square footage* of structure (new construction or incremental increase of actual square footage for existing structures) multiplied by the building permit fee rate.
$1.35/square foot
   c.   Fence permit fee.
   d.   Driveway permit (included in new construction).
   e.   Site permit.
   f.   Fees for mandatory inspections.
   g.   Fees for re-inspection of rejected work (must be prepaid).
$75/hour, $75 minimum
3.   Pre-application conference.
4.   Certificate of occupancy (inhabited buildings only).
5.   a.   Application to B.Z.A. for variance.
   b.   Steep slope engineer's fee.
At cost
6.   Application to Plan Commission.
7.   Additional building permit(s) for an uncompleted project.
Double fee of the original permit
*Actual square footage of a new or existing structure includes the actual square footage of any garage, unfinished basement below grade, finished basement below grade and above grade living square footage
Contractor Registration
Contractor registration
Contractor registration annual renewal
Sign Permits
Temporary - 60 day
   No permit or fee required for one (1) sign if 4 square feet or less in area.
   No permit or fee required for signs initially posted during election period if removed within election period
Temporary - 120 day
   No permit or fee required for one (1) sign if 4 square feet or less in area
   No permit or fee required for signs initially posted during election period if removed within election period
Permanent (no occupancy permit required)
   No permit or fee for house numbers required by § 153.02
   No permit or fee required for up to three (3) signs, if each sign is 2 square feet or less in area
*Remove sign or renew permit after 60 days
**Remove sign or renew permit after 120 days
Filing fee for public hearing to consider subdivision
Subdivision application fee
Miscellaneous Services Provided by Police Department
Finger printing
Impound forms
Photo and Cd copies - unlimited number
(Am. Ord. 06-06, passed 9-18-2006; Am. Ord. 08-04, passed 5-19-2008; Am. Ord. 08-11, passed 11-17-2008; Am. Ord. 09-06, passed 6-15-2009; Am. Ord. 09-08, passed 9-21-2009; Am. Ord. 09-09, passed 10-19-2009; Am. Ord. 09-14, passed 9-21-09; Am. Ord. 10-10, passed 11-30-2010; Am. Ord. 10-12, passed 11-30-2010; Am. Ord. 11-01, passed 5-16-2011; Am. Ord. 11-03, passed 5-16-2011; Am. Ord. 2011-08, passed 7-18-2011; Am. Ord. 11-22, passed 11-21-2011; Am. Ord. 11-25, passed 11-27-2011; Am. Ord. 2012-01, passed 4-16-2012; Am. Ord. 2014-01, passed 2-17-2014; Am. Ord. 2016-01, passed 5-16-2016; Am. Ord. 2017-02, passed 1-16-2017; Am. Ord. 2018-01, passed 5-15-2018; Am. Ord. 2018-05, passed 7-17-2018; Am. Ord. 2018-06, passed 8-21-2018; Am. Ord. 2019-03, passed 2-19-2019; Am. Ord. 2021-08, passed 6-15-2021; Am. Ord. 2023-06, passed 12-19-2023)