General Provisions
   154.001   Goals and objectives
   154.002   Title
   154.003   Authority and enactment
   154.004   Jurisdiction
   154.005   Word interpretation
   154.006   Definitions
Administration, Enforcement, Appeals, Penalties and Remedies
   154.020   The general process and the duties of the Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Planning Board, Town Council and Courts on matters of administration
   154.021   Zoning Administrator
   154.022   Certificate of Zoning Compliance required
   154.023   Building permit required
   154.024   Certificate of Occupancy required
   154.025   Construction process
   154.026   Compliance
   154.027   Penalties and remedies
   154.028   Appeal from the Zoning Administrator
   154.029   Conflicts of interest
Board of Adjustment
   154.040   Appointment and terms of Board of Adjustment
   154.041   Meetings and records of the Board of Adjustment
   154.042   Quorum
   154.043   Voting
   154.044   Board of Adjustment officers
   154.045   Powers and duties of Board of Adjustment
   154.046   Appeals to the Board of Adjustment
   154.047   Variances
   154.048   Additional requirements for variances within water supply watersheds
   154.049   Interpretations
   154.050   Burden of proof
   154.051   Board Action
   154.052   Action subsequent to decision
   154.053   Appeals from Board decision
   154.054   Intervention
Establishment of Zoning Districts and Map
   154.070   General Use Districts
   154.071   Overlay District
   154.072   Conditional District (C)
   154.073   Establishment of district boundaries
   154.074   Establishment of zoning map
   154.075   Rules governing district boundaries
Permitted Uses
   154.090   Permitted uses
   154.091   Permitted use table
Dimensional Requirements
   154.105   Dimensional requirements
Special Uses
   154.115   Purpose
   154.116   Procedure for obtaining a Special Use Permit
   154.117   Special use standards
   154.117(V)   Commercial outdoor amusement
   154.117(W)   Commercial outdoor entertainment
   154.117(X)   Commercial large-scale entertainment
Architectural Standards for Development
in the Commercial Thoroughfare Overlay District
   154.120   Scope and application
   154.121   Procedure
   154.122   Design standards
   154.130   Zoning affects every building and use
   154.131   Nonconforming uses
   154.132   Off-street parking
   154.133   Off-street loading and unloading space
   154.134   Required yards and other spaces
   154.135   Visibility at intersections
   154.136   Relationship of building to lot
   154.137   Accessory structures and buildings
   154.138   Vacant lots
   154.139   Fences, landscaping walls and hedges
   154.140   Maximum building height
   154.141   Kitchens and guest suite
   154.142   Storage receptacles
   154.143   Driveway culvert
   154.144   Reserved
   154.145   Excavation of land
   154.146   Utility services
   154.147   Construction vehicles and equipment
   154.148   Animals
   154.149   Foundations
   154.150   Surveys required
   154.151   Purpose and objectives
   154.152   Definitions
   154.153   Applicability
   154.154   Exemptions
   154.155   General standards
   154.156   Prohibited
   154.157   Submittals
   154.158   Resumption of use after abandonment
   154.159   Severability
Exceptions and Modifications
   154.160   General
   154.161   Front yard setback for dwellings
   154.162   Completion of buildings under construction
   154.163   Height limitations
   154.164   Temporary uses
   154.165   Buffer areas required
   154.166   Landscaping
   154.167   Group care facilities
   154.180   Amendments
   154.181   Initiation of amendments
   154.182   Application
   154.183   Planning Board action
   154.184   Public hearing
   154.185   Decisions
Vested Rights
   154.195   Purpose
   154.196   Definitions
   154.197   Establishment of vested right
   154.198   Approval procedures
   154.199   Duration
   154.200   Termination
Soil Erosion Regulations
   154.210   Purpose
   154.211   Definitions
   154.212   Scope and exclusions
   154.213   General requirements
   154.214   Basic control objectives
   154.215   Mandatory standards for land-disturbing activity
   154.216   Design and performance standards
   154.217   Storm water outlet protection
   154.218   Borrow and waste areas
   154.219   Access and haul roads
   154.220   Operations in lakes or natural watercourses
   154.221   Responsibility for maintenance
   154.222   Additional measures
   154.223   Existing uncovered areas
   154.224   Permits
   154.225   Erosion and sedimentation control plans
   154.226   Appeals
   154.227   Inspections and investigations
   154.228   Penalties
   154.229   Injunctive relief
   154.230   Restoration of areas affected by failure to comply
   154.231   Severability
   154.232   Effective date
Subdivision Regulations
   154.245   Authority and enactment
   154.246   Purpose
   154.247   Compliance
   154.248   Definition of terms
   154.249   Procedure for review and approval of subdivision plats
   154.250   General requirements
   154.251   Improvements required and minimum standards of design
   154.252   Exceptions
   154.253   Amendments
   154.254   Legal provisions
   154.255   Reserved
Sign Regulations
   154.270   Policy statement
   154.271   Scope of this subchapter
   154.272   Exemptions and exceptions
   154.273   Prohibited signs
   154.274   Permanent signs
   154.275   Accessory signs
   154.276   Semi-temporary signs
   154.277   Temporary signs
   154.278   Short-term signs
   154.279   Transitional signs
   154.280   Material and style
   154.281   Lighting
   154.282   Maintenance of signs
   154.283   Obsolete or abandoned signs
   154.284   Non-conforming signs
   154.285   Sign permit
   154.286   Severability
   154.287   Effective date
Telecommunications Towers
   154.300   Purpose and goals
   154.301   Applicability
   154.302   Definitions
   154.303   Permit required
   154.304   Issuance of permit/expiration
   154.305   Tower approval standards
   154.306   Denial of permit
   154.307   Continued compliance required
   154.308   Removal of abandoned towers
   154.309   Penalties and remedies
   154.310   Severability; conflict of laws
   154.311   Effective date
Flood Damage Prevention
   154.325   Statutory authorization, findings of fact, purpose and objectives
   154.326   Definitions
   154.327   General provisions
   154.328   Administration
   154.329   Provisions for flood hazard reduction
   154.330   Legal status provisions
Modular Home Requirements
   154.340   Requirements
   154.341   Sign requirements
Tree Regulations
   154.355   Purposes
   154.356   Definitions
   154.357   Creation of Town Tree Board
   154.358   Damage to trees without a permit prohibited
   154.359   Exemptions
   154.360   Permits
   154.361   Registration of private property tree cutters
   154.362   Clear cutting prohibited
   154.363   [Reserved]
   154.364   Replacement trees
   154.365   Penalties
   154.366   Appeal
   154.367   Effective date
Violations, Penalties and Remedies
   154.375   Violations
   154.376   Penalties
   154.377   Remedies
Legal Status Provisions and Effective Date
   154.390   Severability
   154.391   Conflict with other laws
   154.392   Effective date
   Appendix A:   Figures of Acceptable Shielding and Direction of Outdoor Light Fixtures