Each district described below constitutes a General Use Zoning District. Each General Use District category serves a different purpose and imposes its own set of requirements and restrictions on the use of land in addition to the general requirements and restrictions imposed on all land or uses within the planning jurisdiction. A General Use District may be layered with an Overlay District.
   (A)   Each district described below constitutes a General Use District.
      (1)   Low Density Single-Family Residential District (R-1). The Low Density Single-Family Residential District is primarily intended to provide locations for low density residential and related type development in areas where more intense development is not practical. These areas are not likely to have public water and sewer services available and are located away from the main developed area of Beech Mountain. The minimum required lot area will be 40,000 square feet unless additional land is required for adequate sewage disposal.
      (2)   Single-Family Residential District (R-2, R-2A).1 The Single-Family Residential District is primarily intended to provide locations for single-family residential and supporting uses in areas where public water and sewer services are available or will likely be provided in the future. This district is further intended to protect existing single-family subdivisions from encroachment of incompatible land uses and thus does not allow mobile homes or mobile home parks. This district will be applied within those areas designated on the Land Use Plan as Single-Family Residential and platted as single-family residential subdivisions.
      (3)   Multi-Family High Density Residential District (R-3A and R-3B). These districts are intended for a variety of residential uses, including single-family houses, duplexes and multi-family buildings and developments, depending upon the availability of public water and sewer services. Some areas within these districts may not have adequate water and sewer services available for the higher densities and will thus be suitable for single-family residential units. Other areas within these districts will have adequate public water and sewer service available and will thus be suitable for higher density uses such as multi-family residential units and Planned Unit Developments. These districts also provide for various recreational and community service uses that will complement the residential development. These districts will be applied within those areas designated on the Land Use Plan as Multi-Family Residential, R-3A and R-3B.2, 3
      (4)   Commercial Service Districts (CS-1 and CS-2). The Commercial Service Districts (CS-1) (CS-2) are primarily intended to provide suitable locations for clustered commercial development, to encourage the concentration of commercial activity in those specified areas with access to major traffic arteries, and to discourage strip commercial development. These districts will usually be applied to existing commercial developments on sites within areas designated on the Land Use Plan as Commercial Service Centers. These districts may also be applied to suitable areas adjacent to existing commercial concentrations to allow for their expansion. CS-2 shall be contiguous to other commercial zones.
      (5)   Private-Public Service District (PS and PS-C). The Private-Public Service District (PS) is primarily intended to be an area containing a concentration of private and public service activities such as schools, recreation parks and emergency services, amidst population centers. This district will apply to those areas designated on the Land Use Plan as Private-Public Service Centers.
      (6)   Beech Mountain Resort District (BMR). The Beech Mountain Resort District (BMR) is primarily intended to be an area used as a ski resort, theme park or similar recreational area. This district is further intended for activities related to such use.4
      (7)   MH Mobile Homes;5
      (8)   MP Memorial Park.
(1989 Code, Title V, Ch. 51, Art. VII, § 700) (Ord. passed 2-9-1999; Ord. passed 11-5-2002; Ord. passed 2-5-2007; Ord. passed 11-9-2010; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)
Editor’s note:
   1 Added by amendment July 1, 1995.
   2 R3-A and R3-B amended July 27, 1988.
   3 District R3 Deleted September 11, 2006.
   4 District created by February 9, 1999.
   5 District added by amendment November 5, 2002.
   6 District added by amendment November 5, 2007.