(A)   Whenever the governing body has reasonable cause to believe that any person is violating or threatening to violate this subchapter or any rule or order adopted or issued pursuant to this subchapter, or any terms, condition or provision of an approved erosion control plan, it may, either before or after the institution of any other action or proceeding authorized by this subchapter, institute a civil action in the name of the Town of Beech Mountain for injunctive relief to restrain the violation or threatened violation. The action shall be brought in the Superior Court of the county in which the violation is occurring.
   (B)   Upon determination by a court that an alleged violation is occurring or is threatened, the court shall enter any order or judgment that is necessary to abate the violation, or to ensure that restoration is performed, or to prevent the threatened violation. The institution of an action for injunctive relief under this section shall not relieve any party to the proceedings from any civil or criminal penalty prescribed for violations of this subchapter
(1989 Code, Title V, Ch. 51, Art. XVII, § 1719) (Ord. passed 11-14-1995; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)