(A)   All signs, supports, braces, poles, wires and anchors thereof shall be kept in good repair. They shall be maintained in clean and safe conditions, free from deterioration, missing parts and peeling paint. All signs must stand plumb and level. It shall be the responsibility of the sign owner to ensure that all commercial signs and all components thereof be kept in a state of good repair. Any sign not in accordance with these standards shall be deemed a nuisance and the following action may be taken:
      (1)   The Town Manager or his or her agent shall give written notice to the owner, specifying the sign indicated and telling what needs to be done to bring the sign into compliance;
      (2)   The owner of the sign shall respond to the notice within two weeks and shall have 30 days to complete said repairs. Additional time may be granted by the Town Manager when it has been clearly shown a hardship exists;
      (3)   When an emergency situation exists creating a public hazard, the town may remove or rectify the hazard at the owner's expense; and
      (4)   In the event a sign is damaged in excess of 60% of its reproduction value, such sign shall be restored or repaired only in compliance with the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   The owner of each sign shall be responsible for maintaining the area around such sign, including cutting of weeds.
   (C)   All paint on a sign should blend together. When one item on a sign is painted over, sufficient paint shall be used so that the original item cannot be seen.
(1989 Code, Title V, Ch. 51, Art. XIX, § 1911) (Ord. passed 12- -1983; Ord. passed 12-6-1983; Ord. passed 11-12-1996; Ord. passed 10-13-2009; Ord. 2016-03, passed 2-9-2016 ; Ord. 2019-02, passed 2-11-2019)