The following general standards shall apply to all non-exempt outdoor lighting fixtures and accent lighting:
   (A)   Light trespass is prohibited.
   (B)   Outdoor lighting fixtures and accent lighting must be shielded and aimed downward or toward the object which they illuminate, without encroaching beyond such object. The shield must mask the direct horizontal surface of the light source or direct light at a specific illuminated object. The light must be aimed to insure that the illumination is only pointing downward onto the ground surface or at the specific object, with no escaping direct light permitted to contribute to light pollution by shining upward into the sky.
   (C)   All outdoor lighting fixtures and accent lighting shall be designed, installed, located and maintained such that there is no light trespass.
(Ord. 2016-09, passed 8-9-2016 ; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)
   Figures of acceptable shielding and direction of outdoor light fixtures, see Ch. 154, Appendix A