10-16-1: Introduction
10-16-1-1: Intent
10-16-1-2: Community Character
10-16-1-3: Public And Private Realm
10-16-1-4: Current Housing Trends And Markets
10-16-2: Building Design
10-16-2-1: Massing
10-16-2-2: Materials
10-16-2-3: Window Trim, Corner Boards And Band Boards
10-16-2-4: Rooflines
10-16-2-5: Garages
10-16-2-6: Entry Level Homes
10-16-2-7: Exterior Upgrades
10-16-3: Subdivision Design
10-16-3-1: Conservation Design
10-16-4: Design Standards
10-16-4-1: Residential Design Standards
10-16-4-2: Subdivision Design
10-16-4-3: Lots
A. The following single-family design standards are intended to ensure that the village's sense of place and character is maintained in the future. As the village continues to grow, there continues to be a threat that the special features that have defined the village's sense of place for generations will be lost. In order to maintain the village's character and property values, staff has created the following set of single-family design standards which will be required of all residential builders in the future.
B. The village of Antioch will continue to be predominantly a community of single-family homes. Based on this fact, it is critical that future single-family developments conform with the development patterns that are reflected in the village's most distinct neighborhoods. The following design standards will require all builders to focus on incorporating certain design elements into their standard home designs. As outlined throughout this chapter, these design elements are relatively simple and generally a small portion of the total costs of construction. They can, however, have a dramatic impact on the overall quality of design.
C. Simple design elements as outlined below should be incorporated:

1. Front elevation wall plane should be broken up with a porch, projections, bay window, recessed garage or some other architectural design element.
2. Rooflines should be broken up with projections, recesses, dormers, varying rooflines, deep eaves along the roofline.
3. Garages should be recessed and garage doors should incorporate architectural detail and articulation. A percentage of the garages should incorporate windows and single bays are encouraged. A maximum of one-third (1/3) of any front elevation can be a garage.
4. Projecting usable porches with a minimum of eight feet (8') in depth are encouraged on front elevations and wraparound porches are encouraged on corner lots.
5. Balanced window placement along with good window fenestration is a design element that is required on all four (4) elevations.
6. The proper use of materials on an elevation is important. The use of too many materials or "wallpaper" application of materials should be avoided. (Ord. 16-10-26, 10-3-2016)
A. One of the biggest challenges for community development is the need to encourage residential development and growth, while attempting to preserve the best qualities of the village's character. Antioch for generations was defined by a vibrant downtown and a series of unique neighborhoods adjacent to the downtown. Like most communities in the Chicago metro area, the community started to change rapidly when new subdivisions were constructed by regional and national builders. Today, large tracts of previous farmland have been transformed into residential subdivisions.
B. With its rolling terrain, lakes, wetlands and surrounding Lake County forest preserves, Antioch has the opportunity to guide future growth in a manner that is consistent with its moniker "authentic by nature". Through careful planning and the management of future growth, Antioch can become one of the premier communities in northern Lake County. Based on this goal, the village is committed in establishing a series of minimum standards for all future single-family homes in the village.
1. To avoid the potential of monotony and the creation of cookie cutter subdivisions, all builders shall incorporate the following architectural design elements into new single-family construction.
2. All future developments shall be required to submit "architectural design guidelines" or a "pattern book" showing how their proposed product complies with the design standards.
3. Additionally, all future land plans shall comply with the standards incorporated into this chapter.

(Ord. 16-10-26, 10-3-2016)