The number of licenses that are authorized to be issued under this chapter shall be one. The initial license shall be effective from June 4, 2012 to December 31, 2013. Subsequent licenses shall be effective for successive periods of two (2) years each. (Ord. 12-06-08, 6-4-2012)
No license shall be issued to any ambulance service agency unless it meets the following minimum requirements, in full and without qualification:
A. Be a party to, or be prepared to enter into, a current contract for emergency services with the village of Antioch;
B. Maintain current state of Illinois department of public health (IDPH) certification as an advanced life support transport ambulance agency;
C. Maintain in service at all times adequate staff and fully equipped ambulances to serve the community, according to the requirements established in the contract for emergency services;
D. Carry insurance as required by the contract for emergency services. (Ord. 12-06-08, 6-4-2012)