8-1-1: Mandatory Connections Required
8-1-2: Application Required
8-1-3: Water And/Or Sewer Inspection Fees
8-1-4: Water And Sewer Connection Fees And Subclasses
8-1-5: Trunk Line Improvement Charge
8-1-6: Revenue Regulations
8-1-7: Permits Required
8-1-8: Specifications And Rules
8-1-9: Right Of Access For Operation And Maintenance Of System
8-1-10: Procedures For Water And Sewer Main Extensions
8-1-11: Additional Regulations
8-1-12: Use Of Groundwater As A Potable Water Supply Prohibited
8-1-13: Penalty
A. Use Of Public Water Supply And Sewer Required: It shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or party or parties in possession of any house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other building of any other character located on property abutting on the public waterworks and sewerage system, to cause such house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other building of any other character to be connected with the said waterworks and sewerage system within ninety (90) days from the date that water or sewerage facilities become available to such property, whichever is the event last to occur. (1976 Code § 52.009)
B. Mandatory Water Supply And Sewer Extensions: Any person required under the provisions of this chapter to connect to the public water system of the village or any person desirous of connecting to the public water system is required, at his expense, to extend any water line through the entire frontage or depth of the person's property as the case may be, to the end of the person's property line. It is the intent of this subsection to provide that all extensions of public water lines shall be to the end of any person's property, thus making future extensions more readily accessible to adjacent property owners. (1976 Code § 52.011)
C. Enforcement: A copy of this chapter, properly certified by the village clerk, shall be filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of Lake County, and shall be deemed notice to all owners of real estate of their liability for service supplied to any user of the service of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the village on their properties, and it shall be the duty of the village clerk and such other officers of this village to take all action necessary or required by the laws of the state of Illinois thereunto enabling to file all claims and liens for money due to the village and to prosecute and enforce such claims in the manner, form and time as permitted by the laws of the state of Illinois. (1976 Code § 52.010)
No person shall make any connection to the water mains or the sewer mains of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the village, except upon written application to the village clerk and the issuance of a permit by the village clerk for the connection. Each application shall state the name of the applicant, the permit desired, the location to be used, and the fees to be paid; and each application shall contain all additional information needed for the proper guidance of the village officials in the issuing of a permit. (1976 Code § 52.001)
See section 13-1-2 of this code. (Ord. 05-12-27, 12-19-2005)