10-13-1: Purpose
10-13-2: Applicability
10-13-3: Certificate Of Occupancy
10-13-4: Maintenance
10-13-5: Authorization
10-13-6: Application
10-13-7: Commercial Development
10-13-8: Design Standards
10-13-8-1: Commercial, Office, And Civic Buildings
10-13-8-2: Multi-Family (Apartments)
10-13-8-3: Industrial
10-13-8-4: Townhomes
10-13-9: Landscaping
10-13-10: Photometrics
10-13-11: Commercial Orientation And Visibility
10-13-12: Parking And Vehicle Stacking
10-13-1: PURPOSE:
The purpose of this chapter is to establish a comprehensive procedure and appropriate standards for the design and landscaping of commercial, industrial, office, civic, institutional, multi-family and townhome uses and thus ensure a high quality of development and redevelopment. (Ord. 16-10-27, 10-3-2016)
Site plan reviews shall be required prior to all building permits for all new construction and additions of commercial, industrial, office, civic, institutional, multi-family and townhome development in the village of Antioch. However, any commercial, industrial, office, civic, institutional, multi-family or townhome refurbishing, renovation or structural addition which constitutes less than twenty five percent (25%) of the existing structure's total square footage shall not require a site plan review or approval by the planning and zoning board, but shall be subject to the review of the appropriate staff member as identified by the village board. (Ord. 16-10-27, 10-3-2016)