A. Construction: All fences must be erected or installed so that the finished side faces outward (construction supports facing in).
B. Visibility: In no instance shall a fence obscure the visibility of motorists.
C. Temporary Fences: Temporary fences for construction sites or for the purposes of crowd control or security at special events are exempt from all provisions of this section, except the provision that prohibit the obstruction of visibility.
D. Locations In Rights Of Way And Utility Easements: No private fences or walls shall be allowed or constructed on the rights of way of public streets. Fences or walls may, by permit, be placed on public utility easements, so long as the structures do not interfere in any way with existing underground, ground, or over ground utilities. Furthermore, the village or any utility company having authority to use such easements shall not be liable for repair or replacement of such fences or walls, in the event they are moved, damaged or destroyed by virtue of the lawful use of the easement. The village may summarily remove fences in violation.
E. Barbed Or Razor Wire: No use of barbed wire, razor wire, or other such wire used primarily for security shall be allowed on private property in residential, business, or industrial zoning districts, or on lots in any zoning district being used for single or multiple-family dwelling purposes.
F. Good Repair: All fences shall be maintained in good repair and in clean, presentable, and attractive condition.
G. Drainage: Fences shall not block or hinder natural drainage or water flow and shall not obstruct drainage easements. Any fence located in a drainage easement should incorporate enough elevation from the grade to permit water to pass through in an unobstructed manner.
H. Fences And Berms: Fences are not permitted on the crest of berms. If used in conjunction with or near berming, fences shall be located on the interior side (side farthest from a public right of way) of the berm. A fence when located on a berm, shall be setback a minimum of ten feet (10') from the crest of the berm. Maximum fence height shall be determined at the ten foot (10') setback line. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)
A. Permitted Locations: Fences are permitted in any rear yard and interior side yard. Fences are not permitted in the front yard unless within a TND district. Fences are not permitted in corner side yard if the fence exceeds forty eight inches (48").
B. In residential districts, fences are restricted to a maximum height of six feet (6') and may be constructed on any residential lot, except for vacant lots, and must be constructed behind the front of any principal building located on the aforesaid lot.
C. No corner side yard fence shall extend beyond the corner side yard setback, unless it is constructed with a maximum height of forty eight inches (48"), open style, slatted, with a maximum of fifty percent (50%) opaque and incorporates a gate for utility and village employees to inspect. All fences shall be placed a minimum of three feet (3') of any public sidewalk in any non-TND or Form Based Code residential district.
D. No front yard fences past the front yard building line shall be permitted in any residential district other than a Traditional Neighborhood Development and any front yard fence shall be limited to a height of forty eight (48").
E. Permitted Materials And Design: Fences may be constructed of wood, wood laminate, wrought iron, masonry, aluminum, vinyl or a combination of these materials. Any material used must be rigid. Any use of barbed wire, razor wire, or similar such wire manufactured and used primarily for security, is prohibited. Chain-link fencing may be used only to replace or repair a chain-link fence that was existing on the effective date of this chapter or for recreation and utility applications. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)
In addition to the provisions of section 10-9-1, the following standards apply to both B districts except those lots within the core area:
A. Permitted Locations: Fences are permitted in any rear yard or interior side yard. Fences are not allowed in front yards or corner side yards, except for decorative fences that are incorporated into the overall landscape plan and are consistent with the village's site plan review.
B. Permitted Heights: Fence height shall be limited to eight feet (8') or as approved as part of a planned development.
C. Permitted Materials: Fences and walls may be constructed of wood, wood laminate, wrought iron, or masonry, aluminum, vinyl or a combination of these materials. Any material used must be rigid. Any use of barbed wire, razor wire, or similar such wire manufactured and used primarily for security, is prohibited. Vinyl-link fencing is permitted and slating within chain-link fences is permitted inside or rear yards only.
D. Decorative Fences And Walls: Decorative fences and walls are permitted in the front yard and corner side yards, if they do not exceed four feet (4') and are integrated into a landscape plan and incorporates a minimum of fifty percent (50%) opacity. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)