10-17-1: Purpose And Intent
10-17-2: Historic Preservation Commission
10-17-3: Historic Landmark Nomination And Designation Procedures
10-17-4: Historic District Nomination And Designation Procedures
10-17-5: Certificate Of Appropriateness
10-17-6: Certificate Of Economic Hardship
10-17-7: Subdivision, Planned Unit Development, And Zoning Review Process
10-17-8: Ordinary Maintenance
10-17-9: Natural Demolition
10-17-10: Enforcement, Penalties, And Equitable Relief
Historic preservation in the village of Antioch is established for the purposes of:
A. Providing a mechanism to identify and preserve the distinctive historic architectural areas, buildings, structures, landscapes, and archaeological sites which represent elements of the village's cultural, social, economic, political, and/or architectural history;
B. Fostering civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past as embodied in the village's architecture and historic sites;
C. Protecting and increasing the value of property within the historic districts of the village and those sites designated as landmarks;
D. Encouraging preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of the village's historic buildings and structures and of its historic residential and commercial neighborhoods; and
E. Ensuring that the economic benefits resulting from preservation (for example, tax incentives, new jobs, renewed buildings) are available to the citizens of Antioch. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)