13-1-1: Intent And Purpose
13-1-2: Water And/Or Sewer Tap-On/Inspection Fees
13-1-3: Water And Sewer Connection Fees And Subclasses
13-1-4: Revenue Regulations
13-1-5: Permit Fees, Escrow Deposits And Bonds Required For Construction In Public Rights Of Way
13-1-6: Building Permit And Inspection Fees
13-1-7: Site Development Plan Review Fees
13-1-8: Zoning Fees
13-1-9: Subdivision Filing Fees
13-1-10: Tree Replacement Fund
13-1-11: Electronic Filing Fee
This title is adopted for the intent and purpose of providing a comprehensive list of fees related to various stages of development and construction, as regulated by titles 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of this code. (Ord. 05-12-27, 12-19-2005)
   A.   Each application for tap-on to a water main shall be accompanied by a tap-on/inspection fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each application for a tap-on to a sewer main shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred seventy five dollars ($175.00). These fees are established to defray the cost to the village for the employment of qualified personnel to carry out the inspection of the water or sewer tap-on and shall not be part of the connection fee authorized by statute.
   B.   The inspection will determine that the construction thereof is in accordance with specifications established by the village for the regulation for these systems. The water and/or sewer inspection fee shall be uniform with regard to each physical connection into either system without regard to the size of connection or the number or type of units which the single connection shall serve. Each applicant shall provide and pay the cost of construction, both labor and material, of the service and fittings from the main to the premises to be served. The construction work in connection with the installation of said service shall be performed by a licensed plumber who has a properly executed bond on file in the office of the village clerk. Applicants shall purchase water meters and fittings from the village. The fee to the applicant shall be the village's cost plus a fifteen percent (15%) administrative and handling fee.
   C.   The aforementioned water and sewer service from the building to the curb stop and the sewer to the building from the sewer main are the full responsibility of the property owner or occupant. Should any maintenance be required on either the water service or sewer service, it shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or occupant. Should it be necessary for the village to repair the system due to the refusal by the owner or occupant, any and all costs, including attorney fees, shall be the responsibility of the owner or occupant. The village shall have the option to collect the money directly or to place a lien on the property. In addition to the aforementioned remedies by the village, the penalty provision of title 1, chapter 3 of this code shall also control. (Ord. 05-12-27, 12-19-2005)
   A.   Connection Fees: Pursuant to authority granted in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-150-1 and on authority contained in other provisions of the state statutes, there is established within the village a fee for connecting into the waterworks system or sewerage system of the village. This fee is to be assessed against new or additional users of the sewage collection and treatment system or the water system of the village and shall be known as a connection fee. The fee shall be payable at the time a building or connection permit is issued. The amount of the connection fee shall be comprised of several component fees. The basic component fee shall be a sum fixed within this section to be designated as the water connection fee, or sewer connection fee. If the building plans do not indicate an accurate estimate of the volume and/or strength of the usage, the applicant shall pay an additional fee based on the most accurate estimate which can be made upon the plans submitted. At the time that the sewer and/or water connection is in full use, a reevaluation of the volume and/or strength of the usage shall be made and if necessary an adjustment of the fees shall be made. This reevaluation shall be made within one year of the date at which the operation, in the opinion of the superintendent of the waterworks and sewerage system, shall have reached its full use.
   B.   Water Connection Fee: The connection fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per population equivalent plus an additional fee determined by adding together the basic component fees which are applicable to each new or additional user of the system, the sum of which shall constitute the total connection fee. The several component fees are established as follows:
      1.   Fee According To Size Of Tap: The water connection fee shall be based on the size of the water tap. This fee shall reimburse the village for a portion of the waterworks system previously constructed by the village which the applicant now seeks to utilize. The schedule of taps and fees shall be as follows:
Size Of Tap
(In Inches)
Size Of Tap
(In Inches)
1 or less
Over 8
plus $3,750.00 per inch in excess of 8 inches
      2.   Separate Water Service Required: Each dwelling unit, commercial, industrial or other unit dedicated to a specific use or occupant shall have a separate water service. (Ord. 05-12-27, 12-19-2005)
      3.   Clublands Subdivision Special Rates: Pursuant to the provisions of an order of the United States bankruptcy court, northern district of Illinois, eastern division in the case of In Re: Neumann Homes, Inc., causes number 07-21412 through 07-20417 and 07-21468 through 07-21470 by Judge Eugene B. Wedoff on July 23, 2008, and pursuant to the agreements memorialized therein, a special tap fee in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) per residence is hereby imposed on all residential properties located within the Clublands Subdivision for the privilege of tapping into the village's existing water system, which special tap fee is imposed in lieu of any and all other water tap fees imposed by the village pursuant to law. This special tap fee shall apply to all building permits for houses constructed on lots in the Clublands Subdivision applied for or issued at any time after the effective date hereof. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect any other fees, taxes, permits, licenses or other charges or requirements imposed by law upon the lots in the Clublands Subdivision. (Ord. 11-01-01, 1-3-2011)
   C.   Sewer Connection Fee:
      1.   The sewer connection fee shall be for each unit for which there is an individual sanitary sewer service, a basic fee of two hundred seventy five dollars ($275.00) per population equivalent, plus one thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,900.00) per unit. This fee shall reimburse the village for a portion of the sewerage system previously constructed by the village which the applicant now seeks to utilize.
However, in any instance in which the volume and/or strength of sewage from a single commercial, institutional or industrial user shall be greater than a population equivalent of thirty (30) and with regard to those instances in which the village, at its discretion, shall agree to provide sewerage service to an area outside of its corporate limits, the sewer connection fee for such user or users shall be determined by the volume and nature of the wastewater to be treated, but in no case less than three thousand eight hundred dollars ($3,800.00).
      2.   The fees described above, except as otherwise provided, pertain to each detached single-family residential, attached single-family residential (such as townhouses), commercial or industrial connection. In the event that any industrial or commercial building shall contain multiple units within a structure served by a single sewer service, a basic fee of one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600.00) per unit shall be assessed. (Ord. 05-12-27, 12-19-2005)