10-4-1: Village Board
10-4-2: Director Of Community Development
10-4-3: Zoning Board Of Appeals
10-4-4: Plan And Zoning Commission
10-4-5: Variances
10-4-6: Administrative Adjustments
10-4-7: Appeals
10-4-8: Amendments
10-4-9: Special Uses
10-4-10: Public Hearings - Notice And Conduct
10-4-11: Fees And Charges
10-4-12: Enforcement And Penalties
Jurisdiction: The village board shall maintain the following responsibilities and duties under this title:
   A.   To review and take final action on applications for amendments to this title and special use permits;
   B.   To review and take final action on appeals and variances;
   C.   To review and act on applications for temporary buildings, structures and uses of land;
   D.   Designate certain days on which business establishments may conduct their business outside the building or structure; and
   E.   Approve temporary permits for outdoor sales or events. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)
The director of community development shall:
   A.   Shall act as the zoning administrator.
   B.   Duties: As zoning administrator, along with deputies, assistants, and other designated village enforcement agencies' personnel, shall enforce the zoning regulations. Additionally, they shall:
      1.   Register all non-conformities when they are identified;
      2.   Reserve the right to inspect to inspect any buildings, structures and uses of land to determine compliance with this title;
      3.   Issue violation notices that require compliance relating to code enforcement matters;
      4.   Require that all construction or work of any type be stopped if it is not in compliance with this title, or if the construction would result in a situation that is not in compliance with any applicable ordinance;
      5.   Forward to the plan commission applications for amendments to the zoning ordinance, applications relating to variances, special uses, annexations, and site plans;
      6.   Forward to the zoning board of appeals applications for appeals or variances;
      7.   Forward to the village board applications for temporary buildings, structures, and uses of land;
      8.   Interpret this title when questions arise;
      9.   Determine which uses, though not contained by name in a zoning district's list of permitted uses, are similar in nature and clearly compatible with the listed permitted uses for that district, and permit their establishment;
      10.   Authorize administrative adjustments;
      11.   Administer all sign permit applications based on compliance with the village's sign ordinance; and
      12.   Initiate an examination of the administrative record of variances and appeals and make a report to the village board. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)