There is hereby established a planning and zoning board for the village, which shall essentially function as both the plan commission and the zoning board of appeals, and may also be referred to as:
Planning and zoning board
Combined planning and zoning board
Combined planning commission and zoning board of appeals
P and Z board
(1976 Code § 34.015)
A. Number; Terms:
1. Appointment: The membership of the planning and zoning board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the mayor, on the basis of their particular fitness for their duty on the planning and zoning board, by and with the consent of the village board of trustees. The members shall reside within the corporate limits of the village.
2. Terms: The members of the planning and zoning board shall serve respectively for the following terms or until their respective successors are appointed and qualified:
2 members for 1 year
2 members for 2 years
2 members for 3 years
1 member for 4 years
Thereafter, each new member appointed pursuant to this section shall serve a three (3) year term. Terms of office shall commence May 1 and expire on April 30 of the appropriate year.
3. Vacancies: All vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled as soon as practicable, and shall be filled for the unexpired term of the member whose seat has become vacant, in the manner herein provided for and by the statutes of the state. The appointment of any new member shall be by the mayor with the consent of the board of trustees.
B. Removal Of Members:
1. The mayor shall have the power to remove any member of the planning and zoning board for cause after written charges have been filed and after a public hearing has been held, if such hearing is demanded by the member so charged.
2. Any member missing three (3) consecutive meetings shall be reprimanded or dismissed from the planning and zoning board by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the village board of trustees after a public hearing as set forth herein. A new member shall hereafter be appointed as prescribed in this section.
C. Organization: Immediately following their appointment, the members of the planning and zoning board shall meet, organize, elect such officers as it may deem necessary, and adopt and later change or alter, rules and regulations of organization and procedure consistent with village ordinances and state laws.
One of the members of the combined planning and zoning board shall be designated by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the village board of trustees, as chair of the combined planning and zoning board, and shall hold that office for not more than a total of three (3) 3-year terms, and shall be limited to no more than a total of three (3) consecutive terms of office (i.e., not to exceed nine (9) consecutive years) as chair. The chair shall appoint a clerk for the board who shall make and keep a record of all its meetings and official acts.
D. Compensation: The members of the planning and zoning board shall be paid eighty and no/100 U.S. dollars ($80.00) per meeting attended. (1976 Code §§ 34.017, 34.025, and 150.017; amd. Ord. 23-09-28, 9-27-2023)