10-6-1: Zoning Districts
10-6-2:    Permitted And Special Uses In The R Districts
10-6-3:    General Standards For The R Districts
10-6-4:    Minimal Architectural Standards
10-6-5:    Driveways
The residential districts ("R districts") are primarily for residential land uses and for other selected uses that are deemed compatible with residential environments. The various residential districts are intended to maintain and promote a variety of housing types within the village.
   A.   Estate District: This zoning district is intended to create a semi-rural environment that is appropriate for large estate lots on a minimum of five (5) acre lots, while also allowing room for equestrian activities. As reflected in the village's comprehensive plan, the eastern perimeter of the village should be preserved for large estate lots with single family homes.
   B.   Suburban Estate District: This district is appropriate for developments with a density of between one (1.0) to one and one half (1.5) per acre. Generally, the homes will be located on lots ranging from thirty thousand (30,000) to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet. These developments will incorporate a semi-custom product and the location of schools, religious assemblies, and other local services may be appropriate.
   C.   R-1 Single-Family Residential District: This district is intended to provide areas for low density, single-family detached housing on lot sizes with a minimum of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. Compatible government, religious, educational, and recreational uses may be permitted within the district. This zoning district corresponds, approximately, to the low-density residential land use category in the village's comprehensive plan. Residential density is intended to between 2.1 to 2.5 dwelling units per acre if a part of a PD.
   D.   R-2 Single-Family And Two-Family Residential District: This district is intended to provide areas for a mix of single-family detached housing and two-family attached housing on lot sizes with a minimum of nine thousand (9,000) square feet. A limit of two (2) dwelling units per lot shall be maintained. Compatible government, religious, education, and recreational land uses may be permitted within the district. This zoning district corresponds, approximately, to the medium density residential land use category in the village's comprehensive plan. Residential density is intended to range between 2.5 to 3.0 units per acre.
   E.   R-3 Townhouse/Multiple Family District: This district is intended to provide areas for a variety of housing types at medium densities. Townhomes, rowhouses, duplexes, and apartments are appropriate for this district. Compatible government, religious, education, and recreational uses may be permitted within the district. This zoning district corresponds to the density, but not necessarily location, of the village residential land use category in the village's comprehensive plan. Residential density is intended to be a maximum of ten (10) dwelling units per acre.
   F.   Downtown Form Based Code District: This district encompasses the existing downtown and the area covered by the "Downtown Form Based Code". The area includes Main Street and the "Transitional Core" along Main Street. This area reflects the historic core of Antioch and generally reflects a Pre-World War II development pattern of interconnected streets, mixed use, compact development, mature neighborhoods that are pedestrian friendly and walkable to Main Street in Downtown Antioch.
   G.   TND Traditional Neighborhood District: This district is intended to regulate new development with more traditional forms of neighborhood pattern outside the village's downtown form based district. It allows various housing types: single-family, duplex, rowhouse, and townhouse. The TND district reflects the Pre-World War II development pattern that is pedestrian friendly, walkable, incorporates a diverse number of both residential and commercial uses within a fifteen (15) minute pedestrian shed. Other uses include civic uses, including library, government offices, parks, and schools. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)
Uses are allowed in the R districts in accordance with 10-5-1. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)