Traditional Neighborhood Developments are intended to provide current residents and future residents with the opportunity to reside in pedestrian friendly neighborhoods that incorporate a mixture of uses. Included in this mixture of uses are a wide variety of housing options including single-family, duplexes, townhomes, apartments, and accessory dwelling units. The following standards are intended to guide the development community on the various design standards that should be followed when proposing a Traditional Neighborhood Development:
A. Mixed Use: TND developments should integrate a mix of uses ranging from single-family, duplexes, townhomes, apartments, accessory dwelling units, and commercial/office, civic, religious, and open space.
B. Density: Generally, traditional neighborhood developments should incorporate a density range between five (5) to twelve (12) units per gross acre. This density range provides for opportunities for single-family, duplexes, townhomes, apartments, court-yard homes, apartments, accessory dwelling units, and commercial.
C. Pedestrian Sheds: TND's should be designed within a quarter mile perimeter or a fifteen (15) minute walking area in order to create a pedestrian friendly, compact, and intimate neighborhood feel.
D. Interconnected Streets: Streets design within a TND should be designed in an interconnected manner and cul-de-sacs are discouraged unless the topography requires them.
E. Blocks: Block length should have a maximum length of five hundred feet (500') and a block perimeter should be limited to a maximum of one thousand six hundred feet (1,600').
F. Parking: Garage should be located to the rear of the homes. Either alleys, motor courts, detached garages or garages setback at least twenty feet (20') from the front building line shall be permitted. Street parking is encouraged, and on-street parking can be counted towards any required parking as outlined in this title for traditional neighborhood developments.
G. Building Design:
1. Traditional neighborhood development buildings should be front loaded with a maximum build-to-line of ten feet (10') in the front adjacent to any right of way. Structures should incorporate prominent entrances that are centrally located along with a balanced window pattern. Rooflines should incorporate simple lines and excessive use of gables is discouraged. Roof slopes should incorporate a minimum of 8/12 slopes, unless the design style dictates a lower slope (Prairie, Craftsman,). Single-family homes are encouraged to incorporate a usable porch in front of the house with minimum of eight foot (8') width and if privacy is a concern, porches should be elevated.
2. While simple traditional design is encouraged, no architectural style is mandated within these standards. The most important design element is the creation on an intimate streetscape which dictates a sense of enclosure between the street, parkway trees, front setback/and front elevation of the home. Any fence or hedge in the front yard should not have a height that exceeds three feet (3').

H. Accessory Dwelling: One (1) accessory dwelling per detached home shall be permitted by right. Accessory units should be incorporated above the garage or located in the backyard of a single-family home. Living areas should not exceed eight hundred (800) square feet and ADU's should not count towards the allowable square footage of a single-family home. Accessory dwelling units should have separate entrances from the main entrance of a single-family home. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)
Commercial neighborhood centers within a TND should be located along a collector street or in the center of a neighborhood and should cater to the daily needs of the residents within the neighborhood or adjacent neighborhoods. If designed properly, a commercial neighborhood center can become a true "third place" and attract residents throughout the community if designed properly. Commercial neighborhood centers should follow the standards as highlighted below:
A. Parking: Parallel or angle parking should be located on both sides of the street adjacent to any commercial neighborhood center. Off-street parking minimums do not exist for commercial neighborhood centers within a TND district. However, off-street parking is permitted if appropriate and required by the businesses within the neighborhood center. Including street parking, there should be one (1) parking space for every five hundred (500) square feet of commercial/office development within a neighborhood center.
B. Parking Location: Off-street parking lots in front of buildings within a commercial neighborhood center is prohibited. If off-site parking exists, seventy five percent (75%) of the off-site parking must be in the rear of any structure and twenty five percent (25%) may be located on the side of the structure. Where possible, adjacent parking lots should connect and should be broken into smaller areas with landscaping or other design techniques. In addition, extensive landscaping should be incorporated along the perimeter of any off-site parking that can be seen from the street. One (1) shade tree for every ten (10) parking space should be planted along the perimeter of the off-site parking lot.
C. Building Design:
1. Buildings should use zero setbacks in order to create a wall of buildings that mirror the classic "American Main Street" design approach. In addition, buildings should incorporate between sixty percent (60%) to eighty percent (80%) windows (glazing) along the first floor adjacent to any sidewalk or area visible from the street. Ten foot (10') to twelve foot (12') sidewalks are required in commercial neighborhood centers along with street trees planted every forty feet (40'). Buildings should incorporate awnings, covered walkways, arcades, or recessed entrances. Quality materials including face brick, glass, fiber cement board, or stucco shall be used.
2. Mixed use buildings are encouraged and up to four (4) stories shall be permitted as right within any commercial neighborhood center. Residential or office are limited to the second floors.
D. Signs: Only one (1) wall sign per store space or alternatively an awning with signage shall be permitted in the commercial neighborhood center. All signs should within the district shall be individual letters with back-lighting or sandblasted signs of natural wood or HDU board. All signs should be designed to be pedestrian scaled and proportioned to any building they are placed on. Internally illuminated or electronic message board signs shall be prohibited. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)