A.   Description: Shared parking is encouraged and takes place in which two (2) or more owners of non-residential properties with different peak-hour parking demands use the same off-street parking spaces in order to comply with the villages off-street parking requirements.
   B.   The director of community development is authorized to make an administrative adjustment allowing shared parking arrangements for non-residential uses with different hours of operation based on the following factors:
      1.   The property owner has the burden to demonstrate that there is no substantial conflict or overlap in the principal operating hours for which the shared parking is proposed; and
      2.   The shared parking must be within three hundred feet (300') feet walking distance of each of the uses, as measured from the entrance of each use to the nearest parking space in the facility.
      3.   The property owner must show that there are safe pedestrian connections between the proposed shared parking spaces and the front or rear door of the subject property.
   C.   Agreement: The parties involved shall execute an agreement on the shared parking and file it with the director of community development. The shared parking shall remain in effect only so long as the agreement remains in force. If the agreement is no longer in force, then the property owners must provide parking as otherwise required by this title. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)