General Provisions
34.01 Drug-free workplace regulations
34.02 Prospective employees
34.03 Employees (after serving the probationary period)
34.04 Work schedule
34.05 Employee building use policy
34.06 Overtime pay
34.07 Use of compensatory time off
34.08 Part-time employees
34.09 Health-related insurance benefits
34.10 Recognized holiday with pay
34.11 Bereavement pay
34.12 Vacation pay
34.13 Jury duty
34.14 Clothing allowance
34.15 Absence from work with pay
34.16 Sick leave
34.17 Extended sick leave
34.18 Personal days
34.19 Sexual harassment
34.20 Disciplinary principles
34.21 Termination
Public Employee's Retirement Fund
34.30 Participation in Fund