(A)   Voluntary termination will result in all pay due at termination date, to include hours worked, overtime due, comp time converted to pay, and any prorated balance of vacation due based on percent of days worked during current year. Unused clothing allowance pay will not be paid. For example, termination on June 30 equals 50% of vacation pay.
   (B)   Retirement termination will result in all pay due at termination date per above guideline including full current vacation pay for termination year, providing 60 days notice is given.
   (C)   Retirement is when employee starts collecting PERF or Social Security.
   (D)   Termination for cause will result in all pay due at termination date per above guideline except for forfeiture of any unused vacation time and a prorated amount of pay adjustment if more vacation has been used proportionately to that point in the calendar year.
   (E)   Normal personal deductions apply to the final check.
   (F)   Note. Fringe benefits, including holiday pay, bereavement pay, vacation pay, clothing allowance, sick pay, extended sick pay, and personal days, are discretionary benefits and may be amended or eliminated by a quorum majority vote of the Town Council.
(Ord. 2015-38, passed 12-14-15; Am. Ord. 2018-14, passed 9-24-18; Am. Ord. 2019-17, passed 11-25-19)