The following performance standards shall apply to all business uses of a single-family or multi-family residence and to all Home Occupations and shall be in effect at all times:
(a) All businesses and Home Occupations shall obtain and have renewed annually a Business License through the City of Adelanto.
(b) Home Occupation uses shall be incidental to the primary use of the structure as a residential use and shall not detract from the residential character of the neighborhood. No more than five hundred (500) square feet of the floor area of the dwelling unit may be used in connection with a Home Occupation or for storage purposes in connection with a Home Occupation.
(c) Only individuals permanently residing on the premises shall be employed in the Home Occupation.
(d) There shall be no exterior indication of the home occupation or variation from the residential character of the principal building.
(e) There shall be no exterior operations, storage, or display of materials to be used in conjunction with a Home Occupation.
(f) There shall be no signs, banners, or flags displayed which would be visible from outside the dwelling unit.
(g) There shall be no process, procedure, substance, or chemical used which is hazardous to public health, safety, morals, or welfare.
(h) Visitors, customers, or deliveries associated with the permitted home occupation use shall not shall not exceed a five (5) trips per day.
(i) No home occupation activity shall produce noxious matter, vibrations, glare, dust, electrical interference, or perceptible noise beyond the lot line.
(j) No advertisement shall be placed in any media containing the address of the property.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit L, 5/22/13.]
(a) Upon a showing of probable cause by City Code Enforcement Staff of a violation of this Chapter or the conditions of operations by a Home Occupation permit-holder, the Planning Director/designee may issue an order suspending the Home Occupation Permit pending a hearing before the Planning Commission. The Director shall cause notice of the suspension order to be served on the permit-holder by regular first-class U.S. mail and by posting the same on the property where the Home Occupation is conducted.
(b) Whenever the Planning Director has issued a suspension order, or whenever the Planning Director suspects a violation, but the requisite showing has not been made, the Planning Director shall cause a noticed hearing to consider the revocation of a Home Occupation permit to be held by the Planning Commission within forty-five (45) days of the notice. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed to the permit-holder, any party complaining of the violation, and to all adjoining residents and property owners.
(c) At the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission may revoke the Home Occupation Permit, or order the termination of the suspension or revocation of the permit and order reinstatement thereof. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit L, 5/22/13.]
(a) It shall be unlawful and an infraction for any person, firm, or corporation to violate, disobey, omit, neglect, refuse to comply with, or resist the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Chapter. Such behavior shall subject the violator, upon conviction, to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each offense. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(b) In addition to subsection (a) above, any violation of the provisions of this Chapter or the conditions of operation of the permit are and shall be a public nuisance subject to abatement by the City through obtaining a court injunction from a court of competent jurisdiction.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit L, 5/22/13.]