17.60.030 Landscape Design Standards
   (a)   Landscaping shall be designed, installed and continuously maintained in accordance with Chapter 17.15 of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
      (1)   Principles of Xeriscape Landscaping. Landscape developments shall be designed, installed and continuously maintained in accordance with the following seven basic principles of Xeriscape landscaping:
         A.   Planning and Design. Use a water conservation design. Implement a “mini-oasis” concept. Water using plants and turf should be concentrated in small areas near buildings where they may be enjoyed at the pedestrian level.
         B.   Limited Turf Areas. Limit the use of turf to small areas where it will be actively used and efficiently watered. See Section 17.60.070 (e) for further information.
         C.   Efficient Irrigation. Utilize the most efficient irrigation system for the area being served. Drip irrigate individual plants rather than flooding larger areas. Group plantings with common water requirements together to be watered on the same irrigation control zone.
         D.   Soil Improvements. Add soil amendments within planned areas to increase the water holding capacity of the soil and improve the health and vigor of plants.
         E.   Mulching. Cover final soil surfaces around plants with organic or inorganic mulches to insulate against soil temperature extremes and conserve moisture.
         F.   Use Lower Water Demand Plants. Utilize only those plants listed in the officially approved low water use plant list (see Section 17.60.080 ) or alternative plants approved by the Director.
         G.   Appropriate Maintenance. Maintain irrigation systems so they operate at peak efficiency. Lessen water demand by keeping weed growth down and by thinning unwanted wood from trees rather than cropping them.
      (2)   Unity and Continuity 1 .
         Landscape unity and continuity may be significantly enhanced through the selection of a dominant tree and shrub species. Such dominance shall be established by making the selected species clearly in the majority (60% or more).
      (3)   Tree and Shrub Placement in Proximity to Fire Hydrants.
Figure 17.60.030-A - Fire Hydrant Clear Zone
      (4)   Ground Surface Treatment.
         A.   Pre-Treatment of Ground Surfaces Required. A pre-emergent herbicide shall be applied to the ground prior to and after the placement of natural surface materials (decomposed granite, gravel, crushed rock, river run rock, etc.) in any landscaped area to prevent weed growth.
         B.   Inorganic Ground Cover. Inorganic ground covers (decomposed granite, crushed stone, etc.) shall be of a natural color harmonious with other site and architectural materials and shall be installed to a minimum depth of two (2) inches over a weed barrier such as landscape cloth or plastic that prevents weed growth.
         C.   Plant Cover/Dust Control. All portions of a development site (including future building pads) not occupied by buildings, structures, paved improvements, and required landscape areas shall be temporarily landscaped with plant materials in accordance with this Chapter or treated with an appropriate inorganic ground cover and maintained in a weed and dust free condition.
      (5)   Plant Massing.
         The massing of trees and shrubs into groups containing three (3) or more plants is required unless standards elsewhere within this Chapter require only a single element, e.g., single trees within parking lot planter islands. Planting of single shrub specimens, unless used to repeat an element already established within a massed planting within the same visual area, is prohibited.
      (6)   Plant Groupings.
         The grouping of plant species commonly found together in natural associations or of common environmental requirements (soil type, water, sun exposure, temperature limitations, etc.) is required.
      (7)   Plant Spacing.
         In order to foster a more natural look, an uneven spacing of plants is required unless such plants are being used to create a massed shrub or groundcover bed. The spacing of shrubs shall be sufficient to allow plants to reach their natural mature size and form.
      (8)   Consistency with Existing Streetscape Standards.
         Street frontage landscaping shall be consistent with any previously adopted specific streetscape standards.
[Ord. No. 515, Exhibit I, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit M, 9/10/14.]



   Plant palettes partially implemented through the construction of one or more phases of a previously approved master planned project, except for turf areas in excess of the limitations established by these landscape standards, shall be continued throughout the development of that project.