DECEMBER 9, 2005
PRESENT:    Supervisor Martin, Trustee Wright, Trustee Wilbrink, and Clerk Davis.
ABSENT:    Treasurer LeBlanc
A special meeting of the Williamstown Township Board was called to order at 8:08 a.m. by Supervisor Martin to review poverty exemptions and the applicability of social security income in determining eligibility. Supervisor Martin confirmed with MTA that social security income is to be use in determining eligibility. Using the current federal guidelines and applying social security income to those guidelines would make all applicants ineligible for the exemption. The federal guidelines are the minimum guidelines that a township can use. A township can increase those levels at their discretion. Therefore, Supervisor Martin proposed that Williamstown Township increase their guidelines by 50%. Raising the guidelines by 50% would qualify each applicant except one.
Trustee Wilbrink made a motion to set the poverty guidelines at 150% of the federal poverty guidelines with a note that the Board of Review has discretion to apply exceptions to deviate from the policies and guidelines as stated in Act 206, Section 7u. (5) of 1893. Trustee Wright seconded the motion.
There was no discussion on the motion and it passed unanimously.
Supervisor Martin also discussed the procedures for accepting poverty exemption applications. She noted that each applicant should be given the Township’s policy and guidelines at application and that only the Supervisor and/or public notary is authorized to sign the applications. She indicated that she was unclear of the current procedures and that she had not signed the applications. Supervisor Martin indicated that Treasurer LeBlanc had signed her name without her knowledge or consent.
There was no public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:34 a.m.
Cindy Davis
Township Clerk