(A)   Submittal requirements.
      (1)   Sixteen copies of the final preliminary plat, sealed by the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat, shall be submitted along with the completed application, the fee authorized by the Township Board and a copy of the drawings in digital format. These materials must be submitted at least ten days prior to the Township Board meeting where review is desired.
(Ord. rev. 12-1-1998; Ord. rev. 5-1-2001)
      (2)   The final preliminary plat shall be on paper that is no greater than 24 inches by 36 inches, and shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 200 feet to one inch. The plat shall provide a scale, north arrow and date of original submittal and dates of any revisions. The sheets shall be numbered in sequence if more than one sheet is used. The digital files shall be provided to township on a CD or via email, in either .dwg or .dxf file format, or another file format that is deemed acceptable to the township.
(Ord. rev. 5-1-2001)
   (B)   Final preliminary plat; required information. The final preliminary plat submittal shall contain all of the information required for the tentative preliminary plat listed in § 155.25(B), plus the following information:
      (1)   Copies of proposed restrictive or protective covenants and deed restrictions (required to determine consistency with this chapter, Chapter 156 of this code and other applicable ordinances and regulations and to determine that maintenance and funding of public spaces have been adequately addressed). The covenants shall indicate that maintenance of improvements illustrated on the approved final preliminary plat and final plat and in supporting documentation shall be a continuing responsibility of the subdivision association and individual owners of lots on which the improvements are located;
(Ord. rev. 3-6-2001)
      (2)   A written explanation of any proposed restrictions on construction traffic;
      (3)   Preliminary engineering plans shall be provided as follows.
         (a)   The preliminary engineering plans shall be submitted in sufficient detail to enable the Planning Commission, Township Board, Township Engineer and other reviewing authorities to make a preliminary determination that the proposed improvements comply with applicable regulations and standards of the township and other agencies.
         (b)   At minimum, the preliminary engineering plans shall show the locations of and provide preliminary specifications for sewage disposal systems, water supply systems (including fire hydrants), stormwater drainage systems, site grading, street trees, street lighting, street signs, and sidewalks. Stormwater run-off calculations shall be provided to analyze the adequacy of proposed drainage facilities.
         (c)   The preliminary engineering plans shall show connections to any existing or proposed gas, electric, telephone, cable television or other utility systems.
         (d)   If the subdivision will not be served by sanitary sewers, the plans shall show the locations and results of all soil borings.
      (4)   A detailed drawing to scale of any proposed entry features including specifications and locations of walls, landscaping, signs and lighting;
      (5)   General information concerning the proposed construction operations plan, as described in § 155.27(D);
      (6)   The proprietor shall submit a list of all agencies to which the proprietor has sent copies of the final preliminary plat, certifying that the list shows all authorities listed in this division. The proprietor shall also submit copies of the final preliminary plat bearing the necessary approvals of all authorities as required by the Land Division Act and this chapter, including:
         (a)   Ingham County Road Commission;
         (b)   Ingham County Drain Commissioner;
         (c)   Michigan Department of Transportation, if any of the proposed subdivision includes or abuts a state trunk line highway, or includes streets or roads that connect with or lie within the right-of-way of state trunkline highways;
         (d)   Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, if the land proposed to be subdivided abuts a lake or stream, or abuts an existing or proposed channel or lagoon affording access to a lake or stream where public rights may be affected, or contains regulated wetlands, or lies wholly or in part within a floodplain of a river, stream, creek or lake;
         (e)   Ingham County Health Department, if public water or sanitary sewers are not available and accessible to the land proposed to be subdivided, and for appropriate comment on matters under the Health Department's jurisdiction;
         (f)   The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for verification that proposed street names do not duplicate or conflict with existing street names, and for appropriate comment on other matters under the Planning Commission's jurisdiction;
         (g)   The Ingham Natural Resource and Soil Conservation Service for review of soil limitations if public sanitary sewer and water are not available to the subdivision, and for appropriate comment on other matters under the Soil Conservation Service's jurisdiction; and
         (h)   The plat shall also be submitted to the county plat board, utilities serving the area, the post office and the school board(s) of the school district(s) serving the area, for informational purposes. The school district(s) shall be requested to specify school bus loading/unloading requirements. The post office shall be requested to specify mailbox requirements, including whether cluster mail boxes will be required.
   (C)   Conformance to tentative preliminary plat. The final preliminary plat shall conform substantially to the tentative preliminary plat as approved. In determining whether the final preliminary plat satisfies this requirement, the Township Board shall consider the following.
      (1)   A final preliminary plat shall be considered no longer substantially conforming to the tentative preliminary plat if any of the following revisions have been made; provided that, the Township Board may exercise discretion in applying these criteria where changes to the plat beyond the limits described below were required by an outside agency having jurisdiction over some portion of the plat:
         (a)   An increase in the number of lots;
         (b)   An increase or decrease in the buildable area of any lot by over 10%;
         (c)   A change in the boundary of a regulated wetland or floodplain that reduces the building envelope on any lot below minimum requirements or would create nonconformance with required water feature setbacks;
         (d)   Expansion of a construction zone into areas which were previously shown as "not to be disturbed";
         (e)   Realignment of proposed roads and intersections;
         (f)   Change in the basic layout of the subdivision and lots;
         (g)   An increase in the volume or surface coverage of a detention or retention basin by more than 10%; and
         (h)   Deletion of sidewalks, bicycle paths or nature trails.
      (2)   A final preliminary plat shall still be considered substantially conforming to the tentative preliminary plat if any of the following revisions have been made; provided that, the Township Board may determine that several of the following revisions implemented in combination may be deemed no longer substantially conforming.
         (a)   Decrease in the number of lots without changing the basic layout;
         (b)   Revisions to horizontal or vertical alignment of streets to satisfy Road Commission standards, provided that such revisions do not affect the overall arrangement of streets;
         (c)   Adjustment to lot lines or setbacks due to a more precise wetland or floodplain boundary where such an adjustment has an insignificant impact on lot area, setbacks or buffer zone requirements;
         (d)   Change in location of monuments or lot markers to correct surveying errors;
         (e)   Increase in the amount of landscaping;
         (f)   Replacement of landscape species with other species;
         (g)   The addition of sidewalks, bicycle paths and nature trails;
         (h)   A change in entranceway design that still meets ordinance requirements; and
         (i)   Minor relocation of a stormwater detention or retention basin.
   (D)   Review procedures.
      (1)   Initial review. Upon receipt of the final preliminary plat, the township staff shall check it for completeness. Should any of the required data specified in this chapter be omitted, the proprietor shall be notified of the additional data required and that the application will be delayed until the required data are received. The "date of filing" shall be considered the date on which a plat containing all required data is received by the township.
      (2)   Placement on Township Board agenda. When the information is complete, the proposed final preliminary plat shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Township Board meeting.
      (3)   Distribution for review. Copies of the plat shall be distributed to the Planning Commission and appropriate township staff and consultants to obtain planning, engineering and public safety review and to determine if the final preliminary plat conforms substantially to the approved tentative preliminary plat. The Planning Commission shall review the final preliminary plat and make a recommendation to approve, approve with conditions or deny the plat.
      (4)   Review deadline. The Township Board shall take action on the final preliminary plat at its next regular meeting or within 20 days of the date of filing the plat with the township, unless the proprietor has waived the review deadlines in writing, pursuant to § 155.21.
      (5)   Township Board action. The Township Board shall approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the proposed final preliminary plat, as follows.
         (a)   Conditional approval shall be granted only if the proprietor has waived the review deadlines in writing, pursuant to § 155.21. The proprietor may resubmit the plat to the Township Board for approval after the conditions have been properly addressed. At its discretion, the Township Board may waive its right to review the revised plat in lieu of administrative review by township staff or Township Planner.
         (b)   Upon determination that the final preliminary plat does not comply with the standards and regulations in this chapter and other applicable ordinances, standards and plans, the Township Board shall deny the final preliminary plat.
         (c)   Upon determining that the final preliminary plat is in compliance with the standards and regulations in this chapter and other applicable ordinances, standards, and plans, the Township Board shall approve the final preliminary plat.
      (6)   Notification. The Planning Coordinator shall promptly notify the proprietor, the Planning Commission, and all outside agencies involved in the plat review process of approval or disapproval in writing, and the reasons if the plat was disapproved. One copy of the approved or disapproved final preliminary plat shall become a matter of permanent record in the township files and one copy appropriately designated "Approved" or "Denied" shall be transmitted to the applicant.
   (E)   Effect of approval. Approval of the final preliminary plat by the Township Board shall confer upon the proprietor for a period of two years from the date of approval, the conditional right that the general terms and conditions under which preliminary approval was granted will not be changed. The two- year period may be extended if applied for in writing by the proprietor prior to the expiration date and granted by the Township Board in writing. The Township Board may seek the Planning Commission's recommendation on any such extension. If the extension is granted, the Planning Coordinator shall notify the other approving authorities.
(Ord. rev. 2-3-2004)
(Ord. passed 3-18-1997)