(A)   Purpose. Pursuant to § 107(1) of the Land Division Act, a proprietor may submit a proposed plat for sketch plan review. The purposes of the sketch plan review are as follows:
      (1)   To determine if the land is appropriately zoned;
      (2)   To acquaint the township staff and Planning Commission with the proposed plat;
      (3)   To inform the proprietor of the procedures for approval of the plat;
      (4)   To inform the proprietor of applicable township ordinances and regulations related to subdivision and improvement of land, including this chapter, Chapter 156 of this code and engineering design and construction standards;
      (5)   To inform the proprietor generally about requirements regarding layout of streets, street improvements and relationship of subdivision streets to the overall township street network and to major thoroughfares;
      (6)   To inform the proprietor generally about the requirements for and/or availability of public facilities and services, including water, drainage, sanitary sewers and waste water treatment, fire and police protection, recreation and open space and schools;
      (7)   To determine the impact of floodplains and wetlands on the use of land and design of the plat;
      (8)   To identify woodlands, topography, watercourses and other natural features that should be protected;
      (9)   To inform the proprietor about development options that would achieve the planning goals of the township while satisfying the proprietor's objectives; and
      (10)   To provide the proprietor with any other information to aid in the preparation of the preliminary plat.
   (B)   Submittal requirements.
      (1)   Except in the R-1 District, a minimum of two sketch plans shall be submitted for review. The first shall illustrate in schematic form the proposed subdivision layout based on the uses of land, dimensional requirements and density allowed by right in the district in which the land is located (i.e., a conventional development). One of the purposes of this plan is to establish the maximum feasible development density. The one or more additional sketch plan(s) shall illustrate alternative subdivision layouts, including at least one layout based on the Rural Open Space (see § 156.142(C)).
      (2)   The sketch plans shall illustrate in conceptual form the proposed subdivision and existing features on the site and on surrounding properties that may affect the design of the subdivision. Accordingly, the following information shall be provided for sketch plan review (see illustrations in Appendix B attached to Ord. passed 3-18-1997):
         (a)   A completed application for sketch plan review;
         (b)   The name, mailing address and telephone of the proprietor(s);
         (c)   The name, mailing address, and telephone of the professional person(s) responsible for the subdivision design, for the design of public improvements and for surveys;
         (d)   The name, mailing address, and telephone of the legal owner(s) or agent(s) of the property;
         (e)   The proprietor's interest in the property;
         (f)   Location of the property by section, town and range, or by other legal description along with a vicinity map showing the general relationship of the proposed subdivision to the surrounding area;
         (g)   Existing conditions and characteristics of the site and adjacent land, including:
            1.   Approximate boundaries of woodlands, wetlands, floodplains and watercourses;
            2.   The approximate location and intended future use of existing structures on the site;
            3.   Existing land use on surrounding properties; and
            4.   Location of existing easements on the site.
         (h)   For each sketch plan, the proposed approximate layout of streets, blocks and lots; and
         (i)   For each sketch plan, the approximate location, dimensions and area of all parcels of land proposed to be set aside for park or playground use or other public use, or for the use of property owners in the proposed subdivision.
   (C)   Review procedures.
      (1)   Copies. The proprietor shall submit a minimum of two copies of each sketch plan design to the township along with the review fee authorized by the Township Board.
      (2)   Review authority. Within 60 days of the date of filing, the Planning Commission or a subcommittee of the Planning Commission along with appropriate township staff shall review the plans with the proprietor and/or the proprietor's agents and consultants. The Commission may also request that copies of the sketch plan be submitted to other public agencies having jurisdiction over various aspects of the plat.
      (3)   Comments. Planning Commissioners, staff and consultants shall offer comments and suggestions concerning the proposed development in the interest of achieving the purposes of sketch plan review and the planning goals of the township. The Planning Commission shall take no formal action to approve or deny a sketch plan, but may offer suggestions as to which sketch plan design best meets the intent and requirements of this chapter, Chapter 156 of this code and the Master Plan. Comments and suggestions made during sketch plan review about the proposed plat shall not be binding on the township or the developer.
(Ord. passed 3-18-1997)