(A)   Simultaneous review. It is the intent of these regulations that subdivision review be carried out simultaneously with the review of development options permitted under Chapter 156 of this code (such as planned development). To achieve simultaneous review, the plans required for the development options shall be submitted in a form to satisfy the requirements of the subdivision regulations.
   (B)   Subdivision approval required. Whenever Chapter 156 of this code authorizes development options which permit uses of land and density of buildings and structures different from those which are allowed as of right within the zoning district in which the land is situated, and the application entails the subdivision of land, as defined herein, whether residential or non-residential, subdivision approval shall be required in addition to all other procedures and approvals required in Chapter 156 of this code.
   (C)   Rezoning. Since proper zoning is required as a condition of plat approval, whenever a development option involves rezoning of the land, approval of the rezoning shall be required prior to any formal action by the township to approve or deny the tentative preliminary plat.
   (D)   Issuance of permits. No building permits or certificates of occupancy shall be issued until the township has granted final approval of the zoning application and the final plat has been properly recorded, except as specified in this chapter.
(Ord. passed 3-18-1997)