Willard Reservoir
961.01   Definitions.
961.02   Use of watercraft.
961.03   Use of City slips, private docks and boat moorings on Reservoir.
961.04   Liability of City.
961.05   Authority of City Manager and Superintendent.
961.06   Marine and Reservoir Police Supervisor.
961.07   Officers' authority.
961.08   Obedience to officers.
961.09   Certificate, license and registration required.
961.10   Impoundment, confiscation and sale of abandoned boats or motors.
961.11   Reservoir property.
961.12   Sanitation.
961.13   Traffic.
961.14   Recreational activities.
961.15   Behavior.
961.16   Merchandising, advertising and signs.
961.17   Park operating policy.
961.18   Enforcement.
961.99   Penalty.
   Subcommission on cemeteries, parks and recreation - see CHTR. §§ 9.03, 9.04
   Land appropriation for parks - see Ohio R.C. 715.21, 719.01
   Playgrounds and recreation centers - see Ohio R.C. 755.12 et seq.
   Power to regulate vehicle speed in parks - see Ohio R.C. 4511.07(E)
   Superintendent of Water Production Division - see ADM. 159.01
   Driving on City Reservoir embankments - see TRAF. 432.40
   Reckless operation of vehicles; speed - see TRAF. 434.02, 434.04
   Bicycles and motorcycles - see TRAF. Ch. 474
   Alcoholic beverages - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 612
   Dogs and animals running at large - see GEN. OFF. 618.01
   Injuring vines, bushes and trees - see GEN. OFF. 642.06
   Criminal mischief - see GEN. OFF. 642.11
   Littering - see GEN. OFF. 660.03