The City Manager shall nominate and appoint a Marine and Reservoir Police Supervisor, subject to the approval of Council. Such Supervisor shall directly supervise the use of the Reservoir and adjacent City owned lands and exercise police power over such property. He shall enforce the rules and regulations hereinafter set forth and subsequently promulgated by the City Manager as the duly authorized agent of the City Manager. He shall have the authority to inspect all boats, motors, slips and moorings to determine whether they are in compliance with the laws, rules and regulations. He shall make recommendations to the City Manager for the condemnation of any boats or docks and for the temporary or permanent suspension or cancellation of any license or permit where the terms or conditions of issuance have been violated, or for which the fees or rentals are in arrears. The City Manager shall have the authority to approve, reject or modify such recommendation.
   The Supervisor or his deputized patrolmen shall have the authority to arrest disorderly or drunken persons or persons littering Reservoir waters and adjoining City owned property and to arrest any person violating any of the laws, rules and regulations set forth in this chapter pertaining to the public use of the Reservoir and contiguous land, or in these Codified Ordinances or in the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2298. Passed 4-1-74.)