General Provisions
156.001 Title; purpose
156.002 Interpretation
156.003 Definitions
156.004 Annexed or vacated areas
156.005 Use restricted to that permitted
156.006 Height
156.007 Yards; lot area; size of buildings
156.008 Lots
156.009 Amendments
156.010 Remedies
Administration and Enforcement
156.020 Authority of Plan Commission and the Town Council
Districts and Boundaries
156.040 Districts
156.041 Zone maps
156.042 Determination and interpretation of district boundaries
R-1 Single-Family Residential District
156.050 Uses permitted
156.051 Height specifications
156.052 Intensity of use
156.053 Size of buildings
156.054 Yards
156.055 Lots deficient in area of width
156.056 Off-street parking
156.057 Exterior materials
R-2 Single-Family Residential District
156.065 Uses permitted
156.066 Intensity of uses
156.067 Size of buildings
156.068 Yards
156.069 Exterior materials
R-3 Single- or Multi-Family Residential District
156.080 Uses permitted
156.081 Height specifications
156.082 Intensity of use
156.083 Size of buildings
156.084 Yards
156.085 Lots deficient
156.086 Off-street parking
156.087 Exterior materials
Apartment District
156.095 Uses permitted
156.096 Height specifications
156.097 Intensity of use
156.098 Size of buildings
156.099 Yard specifications
156.100 Off-street parking
156.101 Exterior materials
B-1 Business District
156.110 Uses permitted
156.111 Height specifications
156.112 Intensity of use
156.113 Size of buildings
156.114 Yard specifications
156.115 Lots deficient in area of width
156.116 Off-street parking
156.117 Exterior materials
C-1 Commercial District
156.125 Uses permitted
156.126 Height specifications
156.127 [Reserved.]
156.128 [Reserved.]
156.129 Yard specifications
156.130 Off-street parking; docking
156.131 Exterior materials
C-2 Commercial District
156.140 Uses permitted
156.141 Height specifications
156.142 [Reserved.]
156.143 [Reserved.]
156.144 Yards
156.145 Off-street parking
156.146 Exterior materials
156.147 Exceptions to all zoning districts
I-1 Industrial District
156.155 Uses permitted
156.156 Height specifications
156.157 Intensity of use; size of building
156.158 Yards
156.159 Off-street parking
L-1 Light Industrial District
156.170 Uses permitted
156.171 Height specifications
156.172 Intensity of use; size of buildings
156.173 Yards
156.174 Off-street parking
AG Agricultural District
156.177 Uses permitted
Special Uses and Exceptions
156.180 Enumerated
156.181 Backyard chickens
Nonconforming Uses
156.190 Continuation permissible
156.191 Extension
156.192 Change
156.193 Application to amendments
156.194 Erection of buildings
156.195 Discontinuance
Unit Development Plan
156.205 Development plans
Off-Street Parking
156.215 General provisions
156.216 Requirements
156.217 Loading and unloading berths
Telecommunication Towers
156.225 Zoning district
156.226 Telecommunication tower facility standards
156.227 Permit
156.228 Conflict
156.229 Small cell facilities
Sight Visibility Triangles
156.230 Generally
Temporary Uses
156.250 Temporary uses
Planned Unit Developments
156.300 Planned unit developments
156.400 Generally
156.999 Penalty