1157.01 Statement of purpose.
1157.02 Definitions.
1157.03 Establishment of the Waterville Historic District Commission.
1157.04 Duties of the Historic District Commission.
1157.05 Procedures for the identification of Historic District Boundaries and for the identification, designation, and survey review of individual historic resources within the Historic District.
1157.06 Historic District review procedure.
1157.07 Standards for review.
1157.08 Emergency repairs.
1157.09 Procedures for appeal.
1157.10 Enforcement provisions and penalties.
1157.11 Severability.
This Chapter establishes guidelines and procedures that foster the preservation of the distinctive character of Waterville's historic district by reaching the following objectives:
(a) To identify significant Historic Resources through an established Waterville Historic Building Inventory using Ohio Historic Inventory forms provided by the Ohio Historic Preservation office;
(b) To give each Historic Resource a measure of protection afforded by a thorough study of alternatives to incompatible exterior facade alteration or demolition before such acts are performed;
(c) To apply guidelines and procedures contained in this chapter so as to both preserve the distinctive character of Waterville's historic district, and to encourage adaptive use of vacant or underutilized historic resources;
(d) To insure the district compatibility of any and all construction of new infill structures;
(e) To insure the district compatibility of exterior facade alteration to public or private buildings that are not listed as Historic Resources on the Waterville Historic Building Inventory;
(f) To protect the property rights of owners of property within the historic district by stabilizing and improving property values and by facilitating reinvestment;
(g) To strengthen the economy of Waterville.
(Ord. 07-06. Passed 4-24-06.)
(a) Alteration: Any exterior visual or material change to any building including a change in architectural feature or architectural period, design, texture, or material. ordinary maintenance to correct any deterioration or damage is excluded from this definition provided such work does not involve a change in design, texture, material or architectural feature. Any repainting of exterior surfaces is also excluded from this definition.
(b) Applicant: Any building owner or designated agent of the owner who applies for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
(c) Architectural Feature: Those elements that characterize an architectural style including, but not limited to windows, doors, porches, cornices, decorative trim, and exterior surface material.
(d) Certificate of Appropriateness: A certificate issued by the Historic District Commission indicating that a proposed alteration or demolition or infill new construction within the historic district is in accordance with provisions of the Historic District ordinance.
(e) Commission: For purposes of this chapter, "Commission" refers to the Historic District Commission.
(f) Council: refers to the Waterville City Council.
(g) Demolition: The razing or destruction, whether entirely or in part, of a building within the Historic District including demolition by neglect.
(h) Historic Overlay District: A clearly identified area, so designated by ordinance and not necessarily having contiguous boundaries, that contains a significant concentration of Historic Resources.
(Ord. 07-06. Passed 4-24-06.)
(i) Historic District Commission: Persons duly appointed in accordance with Chapter 153 of the Waterville Administrative Code, and charged with carrying out the objectives of the Historic District ordinance.
(Ord. 37-08. Passed 11-10-08.)
(j) Historic Inventory: A list of Historic Resources identified by the Historic District Commission and kept at the Waterville Municipal Building for review by the public.
(k) Historic Resource: A publicly or privately owned building of significant historic value listed on an Historic Inventory and deserving protection.
(l) Historic Significance: Attributes of a building or district that possess integrity of location, design, materials, workmanship, and association with (1) events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history, or (2) persons significant in our past, or (3) architectural characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction.
(m) Ordinary Maintenance: Includes the repair or replacement in kind of features, including but not limited to the roof, eaves, downspouts, siding, windows and doors, provided that it does not result in a change of material, texture or architectural feature. For the purposes of this chapter, sandblasting of masonry and chemical cleaning of masonry is not considered ordinary maintenance.
(Ord. 07-06. Passed 4-24-06.)
(a) All members shall be provided with a copy of, and be completely familiar with, the “United States Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties,” 1995 edition, or as subsequently amended. These copies shall remain the property of the City of Waterville and shall be returned to the City when a term has been fulfilled or a resignation is tendered.
(b) The Commission shall act in an advisory role to City departments, committees, commissions or boards where the action or inaction taken by the aforementioned entities may affect the preservation of Historic Resources.
(c) Preservation Reference Materials.
(1) The Commission shall maintain a library of preservation resources to be used by Commission members for the purpose of increasing their knowledge of architectural preservation and design. These resources will also be made available to owners of an Historic Resource in the City of Waterville on a lending library basis with reasonable return due dates.
(2) In the interest of enhancing public confidence in the Certificate of Appropriateness application process, the Commission may recommend the inclusion of funds in the annual municipal budget for the maintenance of a library of preservation reference materials, for continuing education courses for Commission members, and for other preservation related activities.
(Ord. 37-08. Passed 11-10-08.)