1144A.01 Purpose.
1144A.02 Permitted uses.
1144A.03 Dwelling unit density.
1144A.04 Zoning application approval needed for single non-residential uses.
1144A.05 Yard, height, parking and loading requirements.
1144A.06 Signs.
1144A.07 Landscape standards.
1144A.08 Concept plan approval required for MX facilities.
District established - see P. & Z. 1131.01
Regulations applicable to all districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1145
The MX Mixed Use District is intended to allow development of compatible low- intensity commercial, industrial and residential uses on the same site or in the same building so as to provide neighborhoods with appropriate residential uses and complementary support commercial and industrial services and amenities. The dominant use of the neighborhood within which an MX District is located is intended to be residential. Nonresidential uses are to be developed in a fashion that mitigates as much as possible any adverse impact on the residences within and adjacent to this District.
(Ord. 09-98. Passed 5-11-98.)
The permitted uses listed herein are to serve as non-exclusive examples of the type, scale, and intensity of use allowed within the MX District. Uses substantially similar in scope, nature and intensity, as determined by the Planning Commission, are allowed subject to the provisions of the district:
(a) Single family residence;
(b) Two family residence;
(c) Multiple family residence;
(d) Antique shops, antique restoration and repair;
(e) Art sales and creation: artists’ shops, art galleries, handicrafts, art studios, art studios in residences, art sales, artists’ lofts, art lessons, music conservatories, music lessons, art and music supply stores, stained glass sales and repair, furniture creation and sales;
(f) Food sales: bakeries, public markets, farmers markets, food carts, food stands, fish markets, grocery stores under 5,000 square feet;
(g) Banks including those with drive-through facilities;
(h) Barber shops, beauty shop, hair salon;
(i) Bicycle sales and repair;
(j) Bookstores new, used bookstores, magazine sales, magazine stands, newspaper sales;
(k) Business and professional offices, business and professional offices in residences;
(l) Recreation: country clubs, private clubs, public and private parks, yacht clubs and marinas;
(m) Child and adult day care centers;
(n) Restaurants and food sales for consumption on the premises, delicatessens, restaurants (without drive-through), food sales, coffee shops, diners, ice cream shops, yogurt shops, fruit and vegetable sales, mini-breweries, specialty food sales;
(o) Dry cleaners and laundries;
(p) Gift shops;
(q) Flower sales: flower markets, florists, flower shops, flower carts, flower stands;
(r) Apparel shops: shoes and clothing, new and used;
(s) Theaters: motion picture and live, video rental and sales;
(t) Photography offices, supplies, galleries, and studios;
(u) Medical offices and clinics, health clubs, dental offices, veterinary clinics (without outdoor kennels);
(v) Hardware stores;
(w) Research and development facilities;
(x) Light manufacturing with no objectionable smoke, gas, odor, dust or noise and all operations are confined to the interior of the building or buildings and no outdoor storage of raw materials, manufactured items or waste products;
(y) Shared office services, telecommunications centers;
(z) Lodging: bed and breakfast, hotels;
(aa) Schools: public and private schools, public and private colleges and universities.
(Ord. 09-98. Passed 5-11-98.)