   Upon the receipt of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Commission shall determine if an Historic Resource on the site will be affected.
   (a)   Historic Resource Properties.  In the event the application involves property containing a designated Historic Resource, the Commission shall determine appropriateness by referring to the current edition of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, as originally published in 1977 and revised in 1990 as part of the Department of the Interior Regulations (36 CFR Part 67, Historic Preservation Certifications).  The Commission shall consider all of the following:
      (1)   The historic or architectural value and significance of the resource;
      (2)   The relationship of any architectural features of the resource to the rest of the resource and the surrounding area;
      (3)   The general compatibility of the design, arrangement, texture and material proposed to be used;
      (4)   Other factors, such as aesthetic value and cost, that the Commission finds relevant;
   (b)   Properties Not Designated as Historic Resource Properties.  Upon the receipt of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness involving property which does not contain a designated Historic Resource, the Commission shall determine appropriateness by whether the proposed activity will have an affect on the historic character and visual integrity of the Historic Overlay District.
   (c)   New Construction.  New construction is a completely new freestanding structure or an addition to an existing structure.  In addition to meeting the requirements of the City Zoning Code, new construction in the Historic Overlay District shall not adversely affect the historic character and visual integrity of the district.  All provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to new construction.
   (d)   Demolition Applications.  When the receipt of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness is for demolition, the Commission shall determine if the building has the potential for future designation as a Historic Resource.  If so, every effort shall be expended to undertake meaningful discussion with the applicant to find a means of preserving the property.
   Provided, however, upon the determination of the Fire Chief or the Municipal Administrator, a Certificate of Appropriateness may be issued by either of them to demolish a structure where the public health and safety are in immediate danger if the demolition is not permitted. 
(Ord. 07-06.  Passed 4-24-06.)
   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a property owner from making emergency repairs to the exterior of his or her property where such repairs are:
   (a)   Not caused by the neglect of the property owner, and
   (b)   Such repairs are necessary for the preservation of the structure.
      (Ord. 07-06.  Passed 4-24-06.)
   An applicant who has been denied a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic District Commission may appeal the decision to City Council.  Any such appeal shall be made within thirty (30) days after the denial of the Certificate.  When considering an appeal, Council shall refer to the written guidelines adopted by the Commission and the entire record before the Commission.  Council may request additional information from the Commission and/or from the applicant.  Council may affirm, reverse, or modify the Commission's decision.  If Council affirms the decision, the denial of the Certificate will stand.  If Council reverses or modifies the decision of the Commission, it shall state the reasons for the reversal or modification.
(Ord. 07-06.  Passed 4-24-06.)