(a) A site plan is required when the proposed development incorporates any of the following elements:
(1) The land use is a conditional or special use in the zoning district;
(2) (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (a)(2) hereof was repealed by Ordinance 12-13.)
(3) The land use is a permitted use in the zoning district that involves the construction of a structure more than 20,000 square feet in size and/or the required provision of 20 new or additional off-street parking spaces according to Section 1145.05 of this Zoning Code;
(4) The proposed development will generate or has the potential to generate more than one hundred (100) vehicle trip ends during the peak hour of generation according to the most recent version of the ITE trip generation manual.
(b) In order to promote the appropriate preparation of a site plan consistent with the goals and objectives of this Zoning Code, the Planning Commission may encourage and engage in informal discussions with the applicant prior to formal submission of the site plan. Such review of preliminary plans and issues will provide greater assurance that the project complies with the objectives, standards, and criteria of this Zoning Code before major design and engineering expenditures have been committed to the project. This review is intended to reduce the likelihood that major adjustments and revisions would be required as a result of deficiencies found during the formal review of the plans.
(c) A presumption is established by this section that all of the requirements set forth in Section 1146.02 below are necessary to satisfy the requirements for Site Plan approval. However, it is recognized that each development is unique and some information listed may be unnecessary or costly to obtain. Therefore, the Zoning Inspector may allow less information to be submitted in an application than that set forth in the requirements of this Section according to the needs of the particular case. However, in the case of permit applications involving a conditional or special land use, the applicant shall rely in the first instance upon the recommendations of the Municipal Administrator whether less information than that set forth in the requirements of this Section may be submitted.
(Ord. 24-05. Passed 1-23-06.)
All applications for site plan approval shall be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Officer and shall contain the following information:
(a) A written description of the proposed development that includes:
(1) The applicant's name, address, and phone number;
(2) A signed statement that the applicant is the owner of the property or officially acting on the owner's behalf;
(3) The address and parcel number of the property;
(4) The name and address of the property owner(s) of record, if the applicant is not the owner;
(5) Name and address of the engineer, architect, and/or surveyor;
(6) Project description, including the total number of structures, units, bedrooms, offices, square feet, total and useable floor area, parking spaces, employees by shift, and similar related project specific information;
(7) Project completion schedule/development phases; and
(8) Names and addresses of all contiguous and adjacent property owners.
(c) When a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) is required in accordance with Ohio Environmental Protection Agency regulations, a copy of such plan shall be submitted with the site plan.
(d) Site plan drawing(s) which illustrate the following information:
(1) A vicinity map drawn at a scale of 1" = 2000' and a site/landscape plan at a scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet, with north arrow indicated;
(2) The gross and net acreage of all parcels in the project;
(3) Land uses, zoning classification, and existing structures on the subject parcel and adjoining parcels;
(4) Location of proposed and/or existing property lines, dimensions, legal descriptions, setback lines, and monument locations;
(5) Existing topographic elevations at two-foot intervals, proposed grades, and direction of drainage flows;
(6) Location and type of existing trees on the site with a diameter of six inches (6") or more at four and one-half feet (4-1/2') feet above grade. Included with the location of the tree should be the associated "drip line”;
(7) Location and elevations of existing watercourses and water bodies, including natural and/or man-made surface drainage ways, flood plains, and wetlands;
(8) Location of existing and proposed buildings and intended uses thereof, as well as the length, width, and height of each building;
(9) Proposed location of accessory structures, buildings, and uses including but not limited to, all flagpoles, light poles, bulkheads, docks, storage sheds, transformers, air conditioners, generators, dumpsters, and similar equipment, and the method of screening where applicable;
(10) Location of existing public roads, rights-of-way and private easements of record, and abutting streets;
(11) Location and dimensions of proposed streets, drives, curb cuts, and access easements, as well as acceleration, deceleration, passing lanes (if any) serving the development, and traffic calming strategies (see ITE Standards) protecting a residential area;
(12) Location, design, and dimensions of existing and/or proposed curbing, barrier-free access, carports, parking areas (including indication of all spaces and method of surfacing), fire lanes, and all lighting thereof;
(13) Location, size, and characteristics of all loading and unloading areas;
(14) Location and design of all sidewalks, walkways, bicycle paths, and areas for public use;
(15) Location of water supply lines and/or wells including fire hydrants and shut off valves, and the location and design of storm sewers, retention or detention ponds, waste water lines, clean out locations, connection points, and treatment systems including septic systems, if applicable;
(16) Location of all other utilities on the site including but not limited to natural gas, electric, cable TV, telephone, and steam;
(17) Proposed location, dimensions and details of common open spaces and common facilities such as community buildings or swimming pools, if applicable;
(18) Location, size, and specifications of all signs and advertising features;
(19) Exterior lighting locations with area of illumination illustrated, as well as the type of fixtures and shielding to be used;
(20) Location and specifications for all fences, walls, and other screening features with cross-sections;
(21) Location and specifications for all proposed perimeter and internal landscaping, and other buffering features. For each new landscape material, the proposed size at the time of planting must be indicated. All vegetation to be retained on the site must also be indicated, as well as its typical size by general location, or range of sizes as appropriate;
(22) Location, size, and specifications for screening of all trash receptacles and other solid waste disposal facilities;
(23) Location and specifications for any existing or proposed above or below ground storage facilities for any chemicals, salts, flammable materials or hazardous materials, as well as any containment structures or clear zones required by government authorities;
(24) Identification of any significant site amenities or unique natural features;
(25) Identification of any significant views onto or from the site, to or from adjoining areas; and
(26) North arrow, scale, and date of original submittal and last revision.
(Ord. 24-05. Passed 1-23-06.)