This section provides minimum landscaping and screening standards for the development of land in order to provide suitable screening between incompatible land uses; to screen from view visually undesirable uses; to provide attractive views from roads and adjacent properties; to protect, preserve and promote the aesthetic appeal, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods; and to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the community through the reduction of noise, air and visual pollution, and artificial light glare. Nothing in this section shall prevent the provision of landscaping in excess of the minimums specified.
(Ord. 26-05. Passed 1-23-06.)
(Ord. 26-05. Passed 1-23-06.)
Approval of a landscaping plan is required for all new property development and any substantial expansion of existing structures. Substantial expansion of existing structures shall be defined based on the criteria established below:
When existing structure is... A substantial expansion is... 0-1,000 Sq. Ft. 50% or greater 1,001-10,000 Sq. Ft. 40% or greater 10,001 - 25,000 Sq. Ft. 30% or greater 25,001 - 50,000 Sq. Ft. 20% or greater 50,001 Sq. Ft. and larger 10% or greater |
Individual single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and the construction of parking lots of five spaces or less are not required to submit a landscaping plan.
(a) General Requirements for Submission of Landscaping Plan. A landscape plan shall be submitted for any property to which this section applies. When new property development, or the expansion of an existing structure, involves the construction of more than 50,000 square feet of floor area, the landscape plan shall be prepared by a Landscape Architect, registered in the State of Ohio. All landscape plans shall contain the following information:
(1) North arrow and scale. Plans must be at a reasonable scale to indicate all types of proposed landscape improvements at a minimum of 1 inch equals 20 feet;
(2) The name of the applicant/owner;
(3) The name, registration number, address and phone number of the person or firm responsible for the preparation of the landscape plans (if applicable);
(4) Name and address of the person, firm, or corporation that will carry out the actual installation;
(5) The dates on which plans are submitted or revised;
(6) All existing and proposed planted areas, fencing, and walls to be removed, retained, or added to the site. The plant list shall include the common names, specified installation size, and on-center planting dimensions when applicable. When the list of plant material to be removed contains existing trees, the landscape plan shall justify that building location and placement has been developed with due consideration given to minimizing removal of trees. Quantities required shall be referenced on the plan;
(7) All property lines and easements, water outlets, utility poles, fire hydrants, light standards, underground utilities, signs, fences, dumpster locations and other permanent features;
(8) All existing and proposed streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, railroad tracks, drainage ditches and other public or semi-public improvements within and immediately adjacent to the site;
(9) Any other information which is determined necessary to review the proposal adequately. (Ord. 26-05. Passed 1-23-06.)
(b) Approval of Landscaping Plans. Approval of Landscaping Plans for landscaped areas shall be as follows: (Ord. 13-13. Passed 5-13-13.)
(1) No site or development plan or zoning certificate shall receive final approval unless a landscape plan meeting all of the requirements of this Section has been submitted and approved.
(2) At the time of occupancy or use of a structure, the approved landscape plan shall be fully implemented on the site unless such plan, because of seasonal conditions, is delayed by not more than 180 days.
(c) Modification of Landscaping Plan. The City shall have the authority to modify any of the requirements of this section when considering a proposed site plan in order to address unique site-specific conditions or circumstances or with respect to changes in elevation, environmental impact, durability of plant material, aesthetic appeal, and any other factor that will result in a more compatible buffer or screen with the surrounding neighborhood at the time of application. The City shall base its decision on all of the following criteria:
(1) The specific conditions which are unique to the applicant's land.
(2) The manner in which the strict application of the provision of this chapter would deprive the applicant of a reasonable use of the land in a manner equivalent to the use permitted other landowners in the same zone.
(3) The unique conditions and circumstances are not the result of actions of the applicant subsequent to the adoption of this section.
(4) Reasons that the modification shall preserve, not harm, the public safety and welfare, and shall not alter the essential character of the neighborhood.
(5) A demonstration that the applicant has provided for a buffer that achieves the spirit of this section.
(Ord. 26-05. Passed 1-23-06.)