Most types of land use covered by this Zoning Ordinance are grouped according to compatibility and function, and each group is permitted outright in the various districts established in the Ordinance. In addition to these permitted uses, there are other uses which it may be necessary or desirable to allow in certain districts, but because of their potential impact on adjacent land or public facilities, need particular and individual consideration prior to location in the community. Such uses are classified in this Zoning Ordinance as special uses and fall into two general categories:
(a) Uses municipally operated or operated by publicly regulated utilities, and uses traditionally affected by public interest.
(b) Uses entirely private in character which, because of their peculiar locational needs or the nature of the service they offer to the public, may have to be established in a district in which they cannot reasonably be allowed as a permitted use under zoning regulations.
Council shall have authority to permit, by ordinance, after review by the Planning Commission, certain special uses of land or structures in any district, except as herein qualified and subject to the conditions and procedures set forth herein. Such special uses may include:
(a) Airport or landing field.
(b) Amusement park.
(c) Cemetery or mausoleum.
(d) Churches.
(e) Commercial, recreational or amusement development for temporary seasonal periods only.
(f) Development of natural resources, including the extraction of sand, gravel, fill dirt, topsoil and stone.
(g) Drive-in theaters.
(h) Gun clubs, country clubs or private or semi-private golf courses, and similar recreational clubs and organizations.
(i) Hospital or institution, provided that any hospital or institution authorized in any R District shall not occupy more than twenty percent (20%) of the total lot area, and shall be set back from all yard lines at least two feet for each foot of building height.
(j) Nursing home in any R District.
(k) Privately operated community building or recreation field and swimming pools, and community facilities owned and operated by neighborhood organizations.
(l) Public and government buildings.
(m) Radio or television broadcasting tower or station in R District.
(n) Plant nurseries and greenhouses in any R District.
(o) Day nurseries for preschool children in any R District.
(p) Commercial or industrial parking areas in R Districts adjacent to a business or industrial zoning district, according to the additional procedures and conditions of Section 1145.05.
(q) A charitable or public service organization chartered as a non-profit corporation or organization by the State in any commercial district.
(r) Commercial motor truck terminal, truck repair station and/or garage and commercial parking lots and/or parking garage for commercial trucks exceeding 7,000 pounds net weight.
(s) Commercial bulk storage or handling facilities for:
(1) Petroleum derived substances;
(2) All other types of liquid organic substances;
(3) All types of liquefied gases;
(4) All noxious gases such as ammonia, chlorine, benzene, etc.
(5) Any substance having a pH of 3.0 or lower;
(6) Any substance having a pH of 12.0 or higher;
(7) Any item or product containing any explosive
type substance capable of being detonated by either heat, shock or electric arc.
(t) Commercially operated transmission pipelines, located either above or below ground surface, and used for transferring such substances as:
(1) Petroleum derived substances;
(2) All other types of liquid organic substances;
(3) All types of liquefied gases;
(4) All noxious gases such as ammonia, chlorine, benzene, etc.;
(5) Coal slurries;
(6) Any substance having a pH of 3.0 or lower;
(7) Any substance having a pH of 12.0 or higher.
Excluded are local service lines installed to distribute natural gas to residential or commercial customers located within the City or having extensions into the Township.
(u) Such other uses as are deemed compatible and harmonious with the authorized uses permitted in any district and which are determined not to be detrimental to the general welfare or safety of the community as a whole.