17.32.135   Low barrier navigation centers.
   A.   Applicability. The requirements of this section apply to all low barrier navigation centers as defined in Chapter 17.04.
   B.   Permits.
      1.   Low barrier navigation centers are allowed as identified in the Zones Use Matrix included in Table 17.25.030. In addition, low barrier navigation centers are a use requiring a conditional use permit in the QP quasi-public zone.
      2.   All low barrier navigation centers are required to obtain a site plan review permit in accordance with Chapter 17.28 and are subject to the development standards in subsections C. and D. of this section.
   C.   Site development standards. The following standards are applicable to any permitted by right or conditionally allowed low barrier navigation center.
      1.   A low barrier navigation center may not be located closer than one thousand (1,000) feet to a school (a school is herein defined as an existing or planned public or parochial elementary school, middle school, high school, or licensed day care facility) or another emergency shelter or low barrier navigation center.
      2.   A low barrier navigation center may not be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet to the front property line of any existing dwelling unit.
      3.   A low barrier navigation center shall incorporate a seven (7) foot height perimeter wall constructed of concrete block. brick or stucco if the shelter is adiacent to any dwelling units. The perimeter wall is only required on sides abutting residential uses.
   D.   Standards for permitted by-right uses. The standards in this subsection must apply to any low barrier navigation center that is a use permitted by right. These standards shall be used as guidelines for any low barrier navigation center that is a use conditionally allowed in other zones, wherein a deviation from any such standard may be requested and considered as part of an application for conditional use permit.
      1.   Beds. The maximum number of beds for a low barrier navigation center as a use permitted by right is one hundred (100).
      2.   Parking. One (1) vehicle parking space shall be provided per ten (10) beds and one (1) parking space shall be provided per employee. Up to five (5) visitor spaces shall be provided for service providers based on the actual need as determined by the city. A covered and secured area for bicycle parking shall be provided for use by staff and clients, commensurate with demonstrated need, but no less than a minimum of eight (8) bike parking spaces.
      3.   Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided in all parking, pedestrian paths, and intake areas, and shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent properties.
      4.   Management/Security. Support staff and/or security must be present during the hours of operation. Facilities must maintain with the City a written plan of operation to be approved by the City Planner in consultation with the Police Department and Neighborhood Preservation Division and to be complied with at all times. The management shall address, at a minimum:
         a.   Patron access requirements.
         b.   Hours of operation.
         c.   Security measures.
         d.   Litter removal.
         e.   On-site management.
         f.   Staff training.
         g.   Property maintenance.
         h.   Neighborhood relations and communication.
         i.   Noise attenuation.
         j.   Pet occupancy, if applicable.
      5.   On-site requirements. A low barrier navigation center shall include on-site area where referral services are provided to assist clients in entering programs aimed at obtaining permanent shelter and income.
      6.   Pets. If a low barrier navigation center chooses to allow pets, they may be unleashed inside only if they are inside a private unit or may be outside within cages or in a protected area. No limit shall be placed on the number of pets that can be maintained.
      7.   Intake/Waiting Areas. On-site waiting and intake areas shall be enclosed or screened from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. Queuing of clients shall not be permitted outside of approved waiting and intake areas.
      8.   Outdoor Activity. A low barrier navigation center shall designate at least five (5) percent of the site to open or outdoor recreational space, located outside of any required front or street side landscape setback area or parking field. Outdoor activity shall be allowed only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(Ord. 2022-06 (part), 2022)