17.32.035   Cottage food operations.
   A.   Cottage foods operations operating in accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 114365-114365.6 shall be considered a home occupation and shall obtain a home occupation permit in accordance with Section 17.32.030 prior to commencement of the use.
   B.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.32.030, a cottage food operation is allowed to employ one full-time equivalent employee on site.
   C.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 17.32.030, a cottage food operation may sell food produced on-site directly to consumers at the site.
   D.   A cottage food operation shall be conducted in the residence's existing kitchen.
   E.   An approved home occupation permit shall not be effective until the appropriate permit is obtained from the Tulare County Health and Human Services Agency and shall automatically expire and be null and void if the County permit or approval expires, is disapproved, or is revoked.
(Ord. 2020-09 (part), 2020; Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)