17.19.010   Purpose and intent.
   A.   The several types of mixed zones included in this chapter are designed to achieve the following:
   1.   Encourage a wide mix of commercial, service, office, and residential land uses in horizontal or vertical mixed use development projects, or on adjacent lots, at key activity nodes and along corridors.
   2.   Maintain Visalia's downtown Conyer Street to Tipton and Murray Street to Mineral King Avenue including the Court-Locust corridor to the Lincoln Oval area) as the traditional, medical, professional, retail, government and cultural center;
   3.   Provide zone districts that encourage and maintain vibrant, walkable environments.
   B.   The purposes of the individual mixed use zones are as follows:
   1.   Mixed Use Commercial Zone—(C-MU). The purpose and intent of the mixed use commercial zone district is to allow for either horizontal or vertical mixed use development, and permit commercial, service, office, and residential uses at both at key activity nodes and along corridors. Any combination of these uses, including a single use, is permitted.
   2.   Mixed Use Downtown Zone—(D-MU). The purpose and intent of the mixed use downtown zone district is to promote the continued vitality of the core of the community by providing for the continuing commercial development of the downtown and maintaining and enhancing its historic character. The zone is designed to accommodate a wide mix of land uses ranging from commercial and office to residential and public spaces, both active and passive. The zone is intended to be compatible with and support adjacent residential uses, along with meeting the needs of the city and region as the urban center of the city; to provide for neighborhood, local, and regional commercial and office needs; to accommodate the changing needs of transportation and integrate new modes of transportation and related facilities; and to maintain and enhance the historic character of the city through the application of architectural design features that complement the existing historic core of the city. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)