General Provisions
   151.01   Names of streets and building numbering
   151.02   Installation of service entrances for electric and water service connections
   151.03   City Inspector
Building Code
   151.15   Title
   151.16   Purpose
   151.17   Authority
   151.18   Scope
   151.19   Adoption of rules by reference
   151.20   Application for permits
   151.21   Permit required
   151.22   Other ordinances
   151.23   Permit fees
   151.24   Review of application
   151.25   Inspections
   151.26   Entry
   151.27   Stop order
   151.28   Certificate of occupancy
   151.29   Workmanship
   151.30   Establishment of Board of Appeals and right of appeal
   151.31   Remedies
   151.32   Violations
   151.33   Contractor must obtain permit
Unsafe Buildings; Nuisance Buildings
   151.45   Definitions
   151.46   Unsafe Building Law established
   151.47   Adoption of state statutes
   151.48   Repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal of unsafe buildings
   151.49   City Building Inspector
   151.50   Workmanship
   151.51   Unsafe Building Fund
   151.52   Nuisance buildings
   151.53   Violations
Heating, Ventilation, Electrical and Plumbing Installation and Maintenance
   151.65   Application for license and examination
   151.66   Conformance to Building Code required
   151.67   Boards of Examination
   151.68   Revocation of license
   151.69   Registration of plumbers required
   151.70   Separate wiring, heating and plumbing permits required
   151.71   Nonresident contractors