(A)   Any person, firm or corporation desiring to actively engage in the business of heating and ventilating or electrical wiring in the city and jurisdictional area, shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer an application for a license giving the name and place of business of the individual, firm or corporation of which the applicant is a member. The application shall state that the applicant is a master of his or her trade, and that he or she is willing to be governed in all respects by all rules and regulations that have heretofore been or may hereafter be adopted by the city pertaining to the above set out businesses.
   (B)   Each applicant shall, at the time of filing his or her application, agree to appear before the Examining Board pertaining to his or her respective business, composed as set forth in § 151.67, for examination of his or her qualifications and experience in the business, provided that in the event the applicant is a firm or corporation, some member of the firm or officer of the corporation shall appear before the Examining Board. After an examination, which may be written or oral, the applicant shall be notified within five days of the results with the recommendation of the Examining Board as to whether the license shall be granted or denied.
   (C)   Upon receiving the results of the examination, the applicant shall, if the recommendation of the Examining Board is to grant the license, deposit with the Clerk-Treasurer a bond with two or more residents of the city as sureties thereon, and a reputable surety company to be approved by the Common Council, at the time of the granting of the license as recommended by the Examining Board, in the sum of $1,000, conditioned that the applicant will indemnify and save harmless the city from all liability and damages caused by his or her negligence or carelessness in the performance of his or her work at the trade in which the applicant is licensed; and conditioned further that the applicant will pay fines that may be imposed upon him or her for violation of any of the rules or regulations of this subchapter. The applicant shall also exhibit a certificate of a policy of liability insurance to indemnify third parties for any damages they might suffer as a result of his or her work.
   (D)   Upon approval of the bond and insurance policy and the granting of the license by the Common Council, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a license authorizing the applicant to operate and do business in the city in accordance with his or her license, and for which the applicant shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer a fee of $50, provided that the license may be renewed each consecutive year hereafter by the applicant upon the payment of a fee of $20, and upon satisfactory compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, and provided further, that if no complaints have been received against the applicant's work as hereinafter set out in § 151.71, the applicant for a renewal license shall not be required to appear before the Examination Board.
   (E)   No license shall be granted for a period of longer than one year, and all licenses will expire on the December 31 of the current year in which they are issued unless sooner revoked for cause as hereinafter set out.
(‘81 Code, § 7-5)