50.001 Definitions
50.002 Ordinances saved from repeal
50.003 Scope
50.004 Service to comply with technical regulations
50.005 Violation of rules, regulations
50.006 Inspections outside city
50.007 Termination of service authorized
50.008 Liability of city
50.009 Utility service; application required
50.010 Utility service; availability to debtors
50.011 Utility service; use assumed
50.012 Right of entry
50.013 Unauthorized access, bypass, or tampering
50.014 Reserved
50.015 Interruption of service
50.016 Transfer of service by customer
50.017 Connections to service
50.018 Meters
50.019 Restricting use
50.020 Permit to raze or remove building required
50.021 Disconnection
50.022 Extension of lines
Building, see ch. 150
City council, see ch. 30
City organizations, see ch. 32
Electricity, see ch. 55
Examples of nuisances, see § 92.071
Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
Floodplain management, see ch. 156
Garbage and recycling, see ch. 57
Health and sanitation, see ch. 92
Impure drinking water, see § 92.005
Manufactured homes, see ch. 152
Permit for well, see § 92.010
Planning, see ch. 154
Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
Sewer and water connections and construction in streets, § 96.026
Streets and sidewalks, see ch. 96
Subdivision ordinance, see ch. 157
Waste disposal in mobile home parks, see § 152.066
Water supply in mobile home parks, see § 152.066
Zoning, see ch. 160
Statutory reference:
Municipal utilities in general, see SDCL ch. 9-39
For the purposes of chapters 50 through 56 and 59, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CCF. A measurement of liquid equaling one hundred cubic feet.
CITY ENGINEER. The city engineer or the city engineer's authorized deputy, agent, or representative.
CONTRACTOR. A person who for compensation undertakes or offers to undertake any excavation for the enlargement, alteration, repair, improvement, conversion, or new construction of any commercial or residential building or structure for which a building permit is required.
CUSTOMER. Any person who is allowed to connect to and receives any utility service furnished by the city pursuant to a written agreement with the city.
JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. An agreement between two or more public agencies for joint or cooperative action as set forth in Chapter 1-24 of South Dakota Codified Laws.
KWh. A kWh (kilowatt-hour) is a unit of measure equal to one kilowatt of power consumed in one hour.
MANAGER. The director of public works appointed by the mayor or the mayor's duly authorized representative.
PERSON. An individual, corporation, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, government or governmental subdivision, agency or instrumentality, or any other organization or entity.
PREMISES. A lot, parcel, tract, or plot of land together with all buildings and structures thereon.
REGIONAL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE or REGIONAL SDC. A charge to be paid by regional wastewater users to the city which is designed to recover past capital costs of the regional wastewater system and to help cover actual or anticipated capital costs of expanding the regional wastewater system, all as determined by the city in its sole discretion, and as further outlined in Chapter 51 of the Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD, as amended from time to time or as set forth in SDCL 9-48.
STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground. Among other things, STRUCTURES include buildings, walls, fences, and signs.
UTILITY. Includes the water, sewer, storm sewer, city-owned electric, or any other utility services furnished by the city to consumers thereof.
UTILITY EMPLOYEE. Duly authorized representative of the city to initiate, control, operate, inspect, maintain, or discontinue utility service or utility availability from the public utility distribution system.
WATER SUPPLIED BY THE CITY. All water that passes through the city's water distribution system.
WATER SYSTEM. The water supply extending from the city municipal water system to the premises served including, but not limited to, water supply piping, control valves, hydrants and other appurtenances, shutoff valve, water meter, and backflow preventer.
(1992 Code, § 41-1) (Ord. 82-83, passed 11-7-1983; Ord. 125-84, passed 9-10-1984; Ord. 48-89, passed 5-30-1989; Ord. 102-96, passed 9-3-1996; Ord. 43-05, passed 4-18-2005; Ord. 59-08, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 23-13, passed 4-16-2013; Ord. 35-13, passed 6-18-2013; Ord. 22-21, passed 2-16-2021; Ord. 38-23, passed 6-20-2023)
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 10.002
Nothing contained in this Code nor in the ordinance adopting this Code shall be construed to repeal or otherwise affect in any manner any ordinance prescribing the charge to be paid for taps and connections to the various utility services and utilities furnished by the city, or the rates and charges to be paid for the utilities rendered by the city, or the amount of the deposits required by the city to ensure the payment of the rates and charges, or rules, regulations and specifications governing the installation, use, enjoyment and consumption of utility services, and all ordinances are hereby saved from repeal and recognized as continuing in full force and effect to the same extent as if set out at length in this Code.
(1992 Code, § 41-2)
All pertinent provisions of this chapter are hereby made a part of the terms and conditions whereby the city shall furnish any utility service to any person; or whereby the city shall make any utility connection or perform any work of any kind in connection with the furnishing of any utility service.
(1992 Code, § 41-3)