For the purposes of this chapter, the urban renewal area is inclusive of and bordered by the centerlines of the following streets:
Fourth Street on the north; Minnesota Avenue on the west; 12th Street on the south; and the Milwaukee Railroad Mainline and the Northwestern Railroad at Fifth Avenue on the east.
(1992 Code, § 14-130) (Ord. 112-73, passed 12-17-1973)
(a) All overhead lines shall be placed underground in the urban renewal area as set forth in § 56.001.
(b) The city will coordinate with the affected public and private utility companies a practical year-by-year schedule related to the resurfacing of affected streets and alleys.
(1992 Code, § 14-131) (Ord. 112-73, passed 12-17-1973)
Inasmuch as the undergrounding of overhead lines in the urban renewal area will require a large capital outlay by the affected utility companies, it is reasonable that those utility companies receive at least a partial contribution for their expenses from the benefitted customers and inasmuch as the customers must convert or adapt their utility inlets to receive the new underground service, it is necessary to require them to provide at their own expense new facilities before overhead service is removed. It is hereby declared that, except as is otherwise provided by this chapter, the undergrounding and conversions or adaptations required thereby will be implemented and governed by a general written policy prepared by the affected utility company, provided that a written policy and any amendments thereto be first approved by the city. The written policy, with a resolution attached indicating city approval, will become effective when accepted by the city finance director for filing.
(1992 Code, § 14-132) (Ord. 112-73, passed 12-17-1973)
At least 90 days prior to construction of any new underground service in the urban renewal area the city will, by registered mail, notify the owners of record of all affected properties of that construction, and that if they desire to continue service or start to receive service from the utility company they must at their own expense make the necessary modifications to their property to accept the underground service.
(1992 Code, § 14-133) (Ord. 112-73, passed 12-17-1973)
The utility company shall have full access to its facilities installed underground in the urban renewal area for the purpose of inspection, maintenance and repair of the facilities, the right of access to include the right to open streets and alleys. The city shall allow the utility companies sufficient time to place their facilities beneath the streets and alleys while the streets and alleys are torn up for resurfacing, and the city shall provide the utility companies with access to the torn-up streets or alleys during that period so that the utility companies will have unobstructed use of sufficiently large sections of the public ways to enable them to install the underground facilities in an economic manner.
(1992 Code, § 14-135) (Ord. 112-73, passed 12-17-1973)