General Provisions
93.001 Premises dangerous to health
93.002 Noxious establishments
93.003 Obstructing watercourses and supplies
93.004 Obstructing surface water drains
93.005 Unhealthful deposits
93.006 Establishment and enlargement of cemeteries; burial of dead
93.007 Dangerous, annoying acts
93.008 Public drinking cups
93.009 Nuisance abatement
93.010 Spitting
93.011 Dense smoke
93.012 Fly ash
93.013 Sewage
93.020 Definition
93.021 License required
93.022 Application
93.023 Fee
93.024 Building to comply with applicable ordinances
93.025 Location near schools, parks and playgrounds
93.026 Location of contagious disease institutions near residences
93.027 Inspections
Contagious Diseases
93.040 Reports required
93.041 Quarantine
93.042 Spreading of contagion
93.043 Deliveries to quarantined premises
93.050 Nuisances
93.051 Barberry bushes
93.052 Height
93.053 Hanger notice to remove weeds or plants
93.054 Notice of violation and abatement upon notice
93.055 Lien for cost of abatement by Village
Dutch Elm Disease
93.070 Permitting infected trees to remain on premises
93.071 Right of entry of Village for inspection
93.072 Notice to remove infected trees
93.073 Removal by Village upon failure of owner to comply with notice; collection of costs
93.999 Penalty
Board of Health, see §§ 34.020 - 34.026