Whenever any office, department or institution requires equipment, materials, supplies or services which another office, department or institution is able to furnish, a suitable request shall be prepared and distributed in the manner prescribed by the Director of Purchasing and Contracting. Transfers between departments of equipment, materials, or supplies shall be accomplished utilizing the forms or electronic media prescribed by the Director. Transfer of equipment, materials, or supplies shall be made between departments on a non-reimbursable basis provided the transfer is between the very same fund. Transfer between different funds, capital outlay funds excepted, shall be processed as a sale on a form and in the manner prescribed by the Auditor & Controller with appropriate charges and credits being made to the respective financial accounts of the office, department or institution affected by such sale. Applicable changes to the property account (capital assets) shall also be made by the Auditor & Controller. Where the request is for the transfer of vehicles, materials, equipment or supplies purchased from capital outlay funds or is for the services involving an expenditure of capital outlay funds, it shall be submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer for approval. If the Chief Administrative Officer disapproves such a request, he shall set forth the reasons in writing to the office, department or institution making the request. After such suitable request has been prepared and transmitted in the manner prescribed by the Auditor & Controller and, when necessary, approved by the Chief Administrative Officer or the board, the materials, equipment, supplies or services may be transferred or provided. In such cases, appropriate charges and credits to the respective accounts of the offices, departments and institutions affected by such transfer and applicable changes to the property account (capital asset) records shall be made by the Director.
(Added by Ord. No. 9297 (N.S.), effective 2-22-01; amended by Ord. No. 10243 (N.S.), effective 2-7-13)