2.04.010: Powers And Duties
2.04.020: Delegation And Assignment Of Duties
2.04.030: Proclamation Of Emergency; Powers (Rep. by Ord. 76-08 § 1, 2008)
2.04.040: Relationship With City Council
2.04.045: Information Reports
2.04.050: Establishment Of Committees And Boards
2.04.055: Board Appointments; Terms Of Office
2.04.060: Vacancies; Appointment Of Successor
The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city and its official head for all ceremonial purposes. The mayor shall be responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the city with which the office is charged. The mayor's powers and duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Supervising the administration and enforcement of all laws and ordinances of the city;
B. Administering and exercising control of all departments of the city;
C. Supervising the administrative functions of other departments and agencies which are related to or affect city operations, to the extent requested or delegated by the officers or bodies having primary responsibility for the operation of such departments or agencies;
D. Authorizing the issuance of such administrative rules and regulations and outlining general administrative procedures applicable to areas of operation and departments confided to the mayor's supervision, which are not in conflict with the laws of the state or of city ordinances;
E. Preparing the city budget and submitting the same to the city council;
F. Keeping the city council informed as to the financial condition of the city on a quarterly basis or such longer time as the council shall request;
G. Recommending to the council for adoption such measures as may be deemed necessary or proper for the efficient and proper operation of the city;
H. Attending city council meetings;
I. Preparing and submitting to the council:
1. A state of the city report during January of each year, and
2. An annual report of the city's financial affairs, within one hundred eighty (180) days following the close of the city's fiscal year;
J. Subject to the requirements of statutes and ordinances now or hereafter lawfully enacted, supervising the purchase of materials or services and otherwise authorizing expenditures of funds on behalf of the city;
K. Making all appointments to all city committees, boards, commissions and other advisory bodies in the city, after having received the advice and consent of the council on each separate prospective appointment, as provided or required in state law, and removing the same;
L. Hiring and making all appointments regarding all executive department employees, officers and agents (subject to the advice and consent of the council where required by state law), and disciplining or terminating the same;
M. Performing such other duties as may be prescribed or permitted by law, including issuing proclamations; vetoing ordinances, tax levies and appropriations, subject to council veto override as provided by state law; and establishing job descriptions, job functions, job classifications or reclassifications and compensation therefor, within the budgeted appropriations and consistent with state law. (Ord. 40-16, 2016)
A. Chief Administrative Officer: The mayor may appoint a chief administrative officer, with the advice and consent of the council, to exercise such powers of administration and perform such duties as the mayor shall prescribe which are not inconsistent with law. The officer may be removed at the sole discretion of the mayor and may also be known as and designated by the title of "city administrator". The chief administrative officer shall be appointed on the basis of professional competence.
B. Office Of The Mayor: Subject to the limitations and requirements of applicable budget appropriations, the mayor shall have assistants and officers who shall perform such functions and duties as may be assigned to them by the mayor. In order to provide proper staff and administrative services to the city and its departments, the mayor is authorized to establish within the office of the mayor such divisions or sections as may seem necessary or proper for the purposes aforesaid.
C. Office Of Internal Audit: There shall be created an office of internal audit which shall be independent of all other programs or departments of the city and shall be directed by an internal audit committee. Audit assignments from the committee may include audits of internal controls, compliance, efficiency, program results and operational audits for all areas of city government. Internal auditors shall assist management by determining whether internal controls are operating as intended and by identifying weaknesses.
D. Delegation And Assignment Of Duties: From time to time the mayor may:
1. Abolish, change or reorganize or to transfer functions, duties and services;
2. Assign or reassign personnel between any section or division of the office of the mayor; and
3. Transfer functions, duties, services and assign or reassign personnel from, to or between any section or division of the mayor's office and between and among any of such departments and sections or divisions of the administrative organization of the city; provided, however, that no such mayoral action may be inconsistent with chapter 2.08 of this title, or its successor chapter. (Ord. 30-09 § 1, 2009: Ord. 16-92 § 3, 1992: prior code § 24-2-2)
A. The mayor, or departments designated by the mayor, shall provide such information concerning city finances, operations and procedures, as requested by the council and necessary for the council to fulfill its statutory duties, which are not privileged, private or confidential.
B. No council member shall interfere in any way with the performance of officers, employees or agents working for the administrative branch of government; give orders to any subordinate of the mayor; or request any person to be appointed to or removed from office, except in writing to the mayor. (Prior code § 24-2-3)
A. Purpose: Adequate and timely receipt of information is critical for the city council to effectively discharge its legislative oversight duty to adopt ordinances, budgets and policies that protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public, review municipal administration as provided under Utah law. This section is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all information the council may need at a given time to perform their required duty. This section requires that such information be provided to the council to achieve the following purposes:
1. Facilitate the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of governmental operations;
2. Evaluate program performance;
3. Enhance transparency;
4. Investigate alleged instances of, arbitrary and capricious behavior, abuse, waste, dishonesty and fraud;
5. Review and evaluate the city's fiscal health and compliance with state, federal and city requirements and best practices;
6. Assure that the public interest is carried out in the city's budget, ordinances and policies;
7. Protect individual rights and liberties;
8. Measure executive branch compliance with city policy, budget and ordinances;
9. Maximize opportunities for advance planning and efficient use of city resources by assuring all budget and capital decisions are made in the context of the city's full needs.
B. Required Information Reports: The following information reports shall be transmitted to the city council:
1. Budget and Finance Reports:
a. Reports to be provided on or before the first Tuesday in May, unless otherwise noted in this section:
(1) Update on implementation of key administrative and council initiatives authorized in the previous budget, within six (6) months of funding authorization;
(2) Capital improvement program budget, including details for all project applications, list of funds previously appropriated for each project, and funding recommendations by the mayor and community development and capital improvement program advisory board, as well as:
(A) Available and encumbered impact fee funds by type and expiration date;
(B) Balance of each approved capital project account;
(C) Projects that are in the ten (10) year capital facilities plan but are not recommended for funding;
(D) Public information provided to the community development and capital improvement programs advisory board at the same time it is provided to the board; and
(E) Recommendations from the board at the same time they are transmitted to the mayor, per Section 2.07.150 of the City Code;
(3) List of vacant city employee positions and length of time positions have been vacant;
(4) List of key job duties for new positions included in the Mayor's recommended budget;
(5) Claims paid from the governmental immunity fund and current fund balance, including any budget requests that affect the fund;
(6) Enterprise fund and library fund budget recommendations from boards shall be provided to the council at the same time as they are provided to the mayor, per Section 2.07.150 of the City Code;
(7) Currently tracked performance measures for each department and division that relate to policy, ordinance, service-level, or budget issues;
(8) Bid requirement ordinance responsive bidder reports relating to city issued bid solicitations as required by Section 3.24.115 of this code, including:
(A) How bid requirements have been applied;
(B) Any bids awarded based on authorized exemptions to bid requirements; and
(C) Any other information needed to explain how bid requirements rules have been applied.
b. Proposed budget amendments report, to be provided with each budget amendment request:
(1) The purpose of each proposed item and the source of funds for each item;
(2) Explanation of the reasoning for not including the proposed item in the annual budget;
(3) Fund balances and revenue received, and projections for the remainder of the fiscal year, based on the previous six (6) months actual revenue received; and
(4) Impact fee balances (by type and expiration date).
2. Community and Neighborhoods Department and other City Departments:
a. Temporary zoning regulation ("moratorium") report within fourteen (14) days of adoption, including:
(1) Identify the expiration date of current temporary zoning regulations;
(2) Identify steps the Administration will take within the moratorium timeframe, including: identifying amendments that would address the topic of the moratorium, outlining an appropriate condensed timeline to complete the amendments within the moratorium timeframe and identifying potential options if additional work would be required beyond the moratorium timeframe; and
(3) Questions or concerns identified by the administration, if any.
b. Building permit and plan review turnaround time, including fire plan review and public utilities plan review and inspection timeframe, to be coordinated with the Fire Department and Public Utilities Departments.
(Ord. 15-20, 2020; Ord. 50-19, 2019)
A. The mayor may administratively establish, from city personnel and private individuals, committees to assist and provide counsel.
B. Various boards, committees and other organizations of or from the community, not otherwise provided for in these administrative ordinances, shall report to, coordinate with or have city liaison with the executive branch of city government through the mayor or the mayor's designee. These organizations include the sister city committee, Salt Lake library board, Salt Lake Valley board of health, Salt Lake council of governments (COG) and the Wasatch regional front council. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: prior code § 24-2-4)
A. No person shall be confirmed by the council to any body, for which the mayor has the power of appointment, if that appointment would result in service by the appointee of more than two (2) consecutive terms or eight (8) years, whichever is greater, unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the council that a longer period of service of an appointee is necessary to prevent a significant disruption of or prejudice to the body for which the appointment is sought.
B. A record of all appointments, including the name of the appointee, the board, committee, panel or body to which the appointment pertains and the term for which the appointment is made, shall be maintained by the city recorder and made available for public inspection. (Ord. 17-90 § 1, 1990: Ord. 1-89 § 1, 1989)
A. Determination And Filling Of Vacancies: If the duly elected mayor shall die, resign, terminate legal domicile within the corporate limits of the city as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or be judicially removed from office, the office of mayor shall become vacant. The council shall pursuant to Utah code section 20A-1-510 (midterm vacancies in municipal offices), or its successoral provisions, and within thirty (30) days after such vacancy appoint a resident of the city, who is otherwise qualified to be elected mayor to fill such vacancy. The person so appointed shall serve as mayor until the next municipal election and until a successor shall be duly qualified, elected and sworn into office.
B. Council Chairperson, Acting Mayor: Until a successor mayor is appointed by the council as provided in subsection A of this section or its successor, the chairperson of the council shall be the acting mayor.
C. Absence Or Incapacity Of Mayor: The absence of the mayor from the city or the temporary physical or mental incapacity of the mayor shall not be deemed to cause a vacancy in the office of the mayor. However, if the mayor shall judicially be determined to be totally and permanently incapacitated (either physically or mentally) to an extent that the such elected or appointed mayor cannot perform the mayoral functions for the remainder of the unexpired term, the office of the mayor shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled, as provided in subsection A of this section or its successor. (Ord. 76-08 § 4, 2008: prior code § 24-2-5)