2.04.010: Powers And Duties
2.04.020: Delegation And Assignment Of Duties
2.04.030: Proclamation Of Emergency; Powers (Rep. by Ord. 76-08 § 1, 2008)
2.04.040: Relationship With City Council
2.04.045: Information Reports
2.04.050: Establishment Of Committees And Boards
2.04.055: Board Appointments; Terms Of Office
2.04.060: Vacancies; Appointment Of Successor
The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city and its official head for all ceremonial purposes. The mayor shall be responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the city with which the office is charged. The mayor's powers and duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Supervising the administration and enforcement of all laws and ordinances of the city;
B. Administering and exercising control of all departments of the city;
C. Supervising the administrative functions of other departments and agencies which are related to or affect city operations, to the extent requested or delegated by the officers or bodies having primary responsibility for the operation of such departments or agencies;
D. Authorizing the issuance of such administrative rules and regulations and outlining general administrative procedures applicable to areas of operation and departments confided to the mayor's supervision, which are not in conflict with the laws of the state or of city ordinances;
E. Preparing the city budget and submitting the same to the city council;
F. Keeping the city council informed as to the financial condition of the city on a quarterly basis or such longer time as the council shall request;
G. Recommending to the council for adoption such measures as may be deemed necessary or proper for the efficient and proper operation of the city;
H. Attending city council meetings;
I. Preparing and submitting to the council:
1. A state of the city report during January of each year, and
2. An annual report of the city's financial affairs, within one hundred eighty (180) days following the close of the city's fiscal year;
J. Subject to the requirements of statutes and ordinances now or hereafter lawfully enacted, supervising the purchase of materials or services and otherwise authorizing expenditures of funds on behalf of the city;
K. Making all appointments to all city committees, boards, commissions and other advisory bodies in the city, after having received the advice and consent of the council on each separate prospective appointment, as provided or required in state law, and removing the same;
L. Hiring and making all appointments regarding all executive department employees, officers and agents (subject to the advice and consent of the council where required by state law), and disciplining or terminating the same;
M. Performing such other duties as may be prescribed or permitted by law, including issuing proclamations; vetoing ordinances, tax levies and appropriations, subject to council veto override as provided by state law; and establishing job descriptions, job functions, job classifications or reclassifications and compensation therefor, within the budgeted appropriations and consistent with state law. (Ord. 40-16, 2016)
A. Chief Administrative Officer: The mayor may appoint a chief administrative officer, with the advice and consent of the council, to exercise such powers of administration and perform such duties as the mayor shall prescribe which are not inconsistent with law. The officer may be removed at the sole discretion of the mayor and may also be known as and designated by the title of "city administrator". The chief administrative officer shall be appointed on the basis of professional competence.
B. Office Of The Mayor: Subject to the limitations and requirements of applicable budget appropriations, the mayor shall have assistants and officers who shall perform such functions and duties as may be assigned to them by the mayor. In order to provide proper staff and administrative services to the city and its departments, the mayor is authorized to establish within the office of the mayor such divisions or sections as may seem necessary or proper for the purposes aforesaid.
C. Office Of Internal Audit: There shall be created an office of internal audit which shall be independent of all other programs or departments of the city and shall be directed by an internal audit committee. Audit assignments from the committee may include audits of internal controls, compliance, efficiency, program results and operational audits for all areas of city government. Internal auditors shall assist management by determining whether internal controls are operating as intended and by identifying weaknesses.
D. Delegation And Assignment Of Duties: From time to time the mayor may:
1. Abolish, change or reorganize or to transfer functions, duties and services;
2. Assign or reassign personnel between any section or division of the office of the mayor; and
3. Transfer functions, duties, services and assign or reassign personnel from, to or between any section or division of the mayor's office and between and among any of such departments and sections or divisions of the administrative organization of the city; provided, however, that no such mayoral action may be inconsistent with chapter 2.08 of this title, or its successor chapter. (Ord. 30-09 § 1, 2009: Ord. 16-92 § 3, 1992: prior code § 24-2-2)
A. The mayor, or departments designated by the mayor, shall provide such information concerning city finances, operations and procedures, as requested by the council and necessary for the council to fulfill its statutory duties, which are not privileged, private or confidential.
B. No council member shall interfere in any way with the performance of officers, employees or agents working for the administrative branch of government; give orders to any subordinate of the mayor; or request any person to be appointed to or removed from office, except in writing to the mayor. (Prior code § 24-2-3)