The provisions of chapter 2.07 of this title shall apply to the city and county building conservancy and use committee except as otherwise set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
For the purpose of this chapter the following words shall have the meanings as given in this section:
ALTERATIONS: Changes over the course of time which have acquired significance in their own right evidencing the history and development of the building, structure, or site and its environment.
BUILDING: The city and county building.
CITY: Means and has reference to Salt Lake City Corporation, a municipal corporation of the state of Utah.
COMMITTEE: The city and county building conservancy and use committee.
COMMITTEE MEMBER OR MEMBER: A person who is a duly qualified, acting and voting member of the committee.
COUNCIL: The city council.
HISTORICAL FABRIC: Materials and features of the property which are significant in defining its historic, architectural, and cultural character including the plan (sequence of spaces and circulation patterns); spaces (rooms and volumes); architectural features, finishes, and detailing; construction techniques and examples of craftsmanship. These materials and features include original and replacement components, and alterations.
MANAGER: The manager of support services or the successor to that position.
MAYOR: The duly elected or appointed, and qualified mayor of the city.
ORIGINAL COMPONENTS: Materials and finishes original to the building.
REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS: Distinctive features compatible to the original features in scale, design, color, texture, materials and other visual qualities. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)