Whenever the following terms are used in this chapter, they shall have the meanings set forth herein:
ASSESSMENTS: Means and includes, but is not limited to, late charges, administrative fees, attorney fees, court costs, and traffic school fees.
CIVIL CITATION (Also Known As CIVIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION OR CIVIL NOTICE): A notice that a civil violation of this code has occurred, issued by an officer or other person authorized to issue such notice consistent with Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-703 or other applicable laws or state statutes or their successors.
CIVIL PENALTY: The fine, forfeitures, assessments or combination thereof imposed by the Salt Lake City justice court.
CIVIL VIOLATION: A noncriminal violation of Salt Lake City ordinances designated as civil violations.
HEARING OFFICER: An individual designated as a hearing officer, violation coordinator or referee, or such other person who has authority to make decisions regarding civil or criminal citations that have been issued by an enforcement officer, before the matter is referred to a justice court judge. (Ord. 25-04 § 2, 2004: Ord. 21-03 § 1, 2003: Ord. 29-02 § 2, 2002)
A. Duties: Consistent with the policies and procedures promulgated by the justice court, the hearing officer may adjust and set, as authorized, sums due as civil penalties, surcharges, and assessments owed; reduce civil penalties owed; dismiss citations upon payment of fees; enter into agreements for the timely or periodic payment of penalties, surcharges and assessments; and perform such other duties as deemed necessary or desirable by the justice court to carry out the purposes of this chapter in accordance with justice and equity.
B. Accountability: The hearing officer shall serve as staff for the justice court but shall be supervised as an employee, under the direction of the city justice court director or his/her designee. (Ord. 39-10, 2010: Ord. 30-09 § 5, 2009: Ord. 1-06 § 7, 2006: Ord. 62-02 § 1, 2002: Ord. 29-02 § 2, 2002)