The Salt Lake City open space lands program is established to facilitate the city's acquisition, management, promotion, preservation, protection and enhancement of open space lands and to encourage public and private gifts of land, money, securities or other property to be used to preserve the natural, scenic, historic and important neighborhood open space lands. (Ord. 52-15, 2015)
For the purpose of this chapter the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings given in this section:
BOARD: The Salt Lake City parks, natural lands, trails and urban forestry advisory board created in chapter 2.94 of this title.
FUND: The Salt Lake City open space lands fund created by this chapter.
NATURAL LAND: As defined in section 2.94.030 of this title.
OPEN SPACE LAND: A parcel of land owned by the city, in a predominantly open condition that is suitable for, but not limited to, any of the following:
A. Natural land;
B. Wildlife habitat;
C. Important wetlands or watershed lands;
D. Greenway or stream corridors;
E. Parks;
F. Trails;
G. Community gardens;
H. Golf courses;
I. Salt Lake City Cemetery;
J. A significant parcel of real property zoned as open space land or natural open space land; and
K. Any significant parcel of real property purchased through the fund.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, open space lands does not include land acquired through or managed by the city's department of public utilities or department of airports.
Open space lands may be preserved, enhanced, and restored in order to maintain the natural, scenic, ecological, cultural, hydrological, or geological values of the property. Open space lands may be located: a) within Salt Lake City, or b) outside Salt Lake City if the board determines that such lands further the objectives of this chapter. As used in this chapter, the term "undeveloped" does not include manmade structures of historical significance.
OPEN SPACE LANDS INVENTORY: Those real properties or interests in real properties owned by the city that are identified in the inventory and map created and established pursuant to this chapter.
PARK: As defined in section 2.94.030 of this title.
PROGRAM: The Salt Lake City open space lands program created by this chapter.
TRAIL: As defined in section 2.94.030 of this title. (Ord. 52-15, 2015)